Don't Lose Heart - Steven Curtis Chapmanనమూనా

Don't Lose Heart - Steven Curtis Chapman

DAY 2 OF 4


So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

—2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Two things are clear as we read the apostle Paul’s words in several New Testament letters and the things he did in Acts. One, Paul went through a lot. He was no stranger to tough times and dark days. In fact, in 2 Corinthians 11:23-29, he listed a lot of those trials he endured. They were excessive by any standard. But the second thing we see about Paul is that he didn’t ever seem to lose focus. When Paul wrote, “So we do not lose heart,” he wasn’t playing around. It’s who he was; it’s how he lived…and when he encourages us to do the same, we can be sure it comes from the heart and the experience of someone who knows what he’s talking about.

When we say, “Don’t lose heart” or “Don’t give up,” we usually talk about an attitude we apply to earthly circumstances… Maybe a health scare or a financial situation... Scripture tells us we should pray about everything and that nothing is impossible with God, so it’s not wrong to encourage ourselves or others not to lose heart or give up. But that’s not necessarily what Paul wrote about here in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. When he wrote, “We do not lose heart,” Paul talked about the ministry God had given him—and the ministry God gave you. It’s easy to lose heart in that calling. Maybe you think you don’t have anything to offer. Maybe it feels uncomfortable to talk to people about Jesus. Maybe you’re afraid you might not say the right thing or do it right. Or maybe you’ve previously done the things God has called you to do, and then life happened, and you began to withdraw.

Whatever the case, God tells us not to give up. Don’t give up on sharing our own stories about the power of the gospel. Don’t give up on encouraging people. Don’t give up on hope. Don’t give up on telling people what God is doing in your life, or even talking about your own journey through the dark and difficult times…even being honest about doubt. Sometimes these are the things people need to hear most…one of the most encouraging verses for me in scripture is the prayer in Mark 9:29 of the heavy-hearted father who comes to Jesus for help with his son. He prays, “I believe, help my unbelief!” Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that we’re not alone in our faith journey…and remind others of the same. And we will always find our own hearts encouraged and strengthened when we do.

God is good, He is holy, He is loving, and He is kind. He keeps His promises. He is faithful. And He is the same as He has always been and forever will be. So, even in the struggle, let me encourage you…and may you encourage others… keep going…Keep trusting…keep believing… Keep serving. Don’t lose heart.

·What discourages you from sharing your faith story with other people?

·How do Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 4 encourage you in that?

·Thank God for the eternal weight of glory that overshadows every earthly circumstance and discouraging emotion. Ask Him to help you live with that truth in view, not giving up on living out His call on your life to tell others about Him.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Don't Lose Heart - Steven Curtis Chapman

God has created us to do life together; He knows life is hard and that we need encouragement. God has promised that there’s a day coming when life won’t be hard anymore. He gives us each other to remind us not to lose heart when we’re grieving sin and sadness. So, let’s not wait until tomorrow. Let’s make the most of the opportunities we’re given to encourage each other “as long as it’s called today”. Don't lose heart. Join me in this four-day reading plan. -Steven Curtis Chapman
