

DAY 11 OF 30

What does it truly mean to devote ourselves to prayer? It doesn’t actually seem possible or even realistic, does it? There are so many other things in our lives that are constantly competing for both our time and attention. For many of us, there are jobs with never-ending tasks to do, families and friends that we want to spend time and connect with, and of course trying to find a few moments in the day just for ourselves. With all that we have going on, it’s easy to put prayer on the back burner—to think of it as something that we’ll get to when we have the time. But, as this Scripture reminds us, we’re called to more than that. We’re called to devote ourselves to prayer! To do this, we may have to change our perspective on prayer. We don’t have to consider time with God as a formal thing that can only happen under certain circumstances. It can happen anytime, anywhere. When you’re in a long checkout line at the grocery store, you have a few moments that you could spend in prayer. When the school pick-up is taking way longer than you thought, say a prayer. If you’re cooking dinner and find yourself with a few minutes to spare, have a conversation with God.

This week, find some small ways to connect with God throughout the day. Remember, these don’t have to be long conversations or times spent completely alone. Just invite God to come alongside you throughout the day through prayer.


Day 10Day 12

About this Plan


An influencer has the ability to change our minds or make us try something new. And while we may think of an influencer as someone with millions of followers, the reality is we don’t need a big audience to be an influencer. In fact, God calls each one of us to be an influencer for good. In this devotional, we’ll see all the ways God has used people—even the unexpected people—to have an amazing influence on others.
