Winning the Food Fight. 5 Unhealthy Patterns for God-Honoring Habitsనమూనా

Winning the Food Fight. 5 Unhealthy Patterns for God-Honoring Habits

DAY 4 OF 5

For a long time, I prayed about my addictive food triggers. I wondered, When will I be released from this struggle? Does God see me in this mess, and will He help me? Reading through the Bible, I see impossible situations where God is faithful to deliver His people. More than that, God is not immune to our struggle with food addictions and temptation:

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin." (Hebrews 4:15 NIV)

Is it possible to live without being a victim of our cravings? Does God understand our weakness? Will He help us overcome it, finally? Yes. Hebrews assures us that God understands our temptations, and He has empathy for us. In the next verse, He tells us that He will offer mercy and grace “in our time of need.” When I decided to make lifestyle changes, I came to a point where I recognized that God would do His part. I had to do mine.

What does your part look like today? Picture yourself for a moment as you approach your next meal. What is on your plate? Until we see the reality of our eating patterns and fully acknowledge them, we cannot master our addictions. Still, there is no shame here, only an understanding of our current reality so that we can make positive changes and seek God to help strengthen us.

Let’s begin to think of food as fuel. It’s nourishment for our bodies so that we can be fit and flourishing, ready to do the good works God has in store for us. Even the things we eat are an opportunity to do our part to honor God with our bodies.

When temptations pull at our resolve, get practical. Remove tempting foods from your home. Drink lots of cleansing water. Meditate on Scriptures that encourage you to lean on God’s strength. Ask a friend to keep you accountable. We are not helpless victims of our addictions, and no addiction is stronger than God’s power within us through the Holy Spirit. Look forward to all the ways you can set yourself up for success in this area of your life, knowing that God is able and willing to aid you toward victory.

Prayer suggestion: Dear Father, You see me in my struggle and have empathy for me. You designed food to nourish my body, and You designed good works for me to do with my life. I want the way I eat to reflect my commitment to You, but I often feel weak. Help me to do the practical things needed to make this journey easier, and give me hope that I can overcome my food addictions. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Day 3Day 5

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Winning the Food Fight. 5 Unhealthy Patterns for God-Honoring Habits

Do you recognize that something in your eating habits needs to change? Still, you aren’t sure where to begin or how to invite God into the journey? Trying to overcome food triggers can feel like a never-ending food fight. But we don’t have to battle alone. God can help us exchange unhealthy patterns for habits that will both honor Him and foster life-changing healthy habits. Join author Amber Lia for your turning point.
