[Uniqueness of Christ] Jesus’ Unique Recordనమూనా

[Uniqueness of Christ] Jesus’ Unique Record

DAY 2 OF 3

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

While Jesus was on Earth, He demonstrated He was, and is, the Son of God. He was not just another prophet but the Messiah the prophets talked about. He was the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures. Since then, He has completely changed the lives of those who believe in Him.

Jesus’ purpose was to restore the relationship between people and God by saving us from the sin that had enslaved us. God arranged for Jesus, who had no sin, to become like us so He could die in our place to pay for our sins. There was no other way. Jesus had to do it to legally save us. This unique record in our human history is so unique and irrefutable that all who believe in Jesus are given the assurance of salvation.

However, Jesus’ work of salvation didn’t stop there. Three days later, He overcame death, once and for all, through His resurrection.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is another event in the unique record of His life. Through it, Jesus demonstrated His power and identity. Without the Resurrection, all that the Scriptures declare of Jesus does not hold true. However, Christ’s resurrection is another irrefutable record that, indeed, Jesus is the Son of God who saved us from sin and death.

The risen Christ did not only appear to just one or two of His disciples; He appeared to many different people at different times so that they could witness and verify the reality that He was the Son of God, the Messiah. He is alive. Death couldn’t hold Him, as the Scriptures foretold.

Jesus didn’t go down in history just as a distinguished man. His record says that He died for us and that He is alive, that He is close to us, He loves us immensely, and, He is interested in our lives and our eternal destiny. We have access to the Father, forgiveness of our sins, and the promise of eternal life through Him.

Many witnessed this unique fact. The angels who spoke to the women at the tomb testified that He had risen. His closest disciples, the travelers on the road to Emmaus, and many other followers of Jesus saw Him fully alive on the third day after His crucifixion. Thomas verified that Jesus had risen by touching His wounds. There could be no doubt that the Jesus with whom they walked, ate, and traveled was the same One who was crucified and who presented Himself alive to them.

Thank you, Lord, for Your Son Jesus Christ and His resurrection. Today I have the certainty that He is alive, that He hears me and sees me, that I can have a relationship with Him, that His death conquered sin, and that for all who believe in Him and in His resurrection, there is a promise of abundant life on earth and eternal life with Him.

Day 1Day 3

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[Uniqueness of Christ] Jesus’ Unique Record

What might you find in your medical history, or in your school transcript, that sets you apart from everyone else? What makes you unique? In this last part of the “Uniqueness of Christ” series, pastor Mark Rae lets us dive into Jesus’ unique record. Three events make Him unique. This devotional dives into them.
