Letters to the Church: Emotions and Racism నమూనా

Letters to the Church: Emotions and Racism

DAY 9 OF 9

Dear Church

In the pursuit of seeing God’s multi-ethnic kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, where there is belonging in diversity and unity abounds, racism, casteism, tribalism and xenophobia are sin issues that linger in this fallen world, causing pain and leaving people feeling powerless. The segregation they stimulate stands against the heart of God and contends against unity in the church. Because of the cross of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, redemption is available and reconciliation with God and within the church is possible. We can draw near to Him and also to each other, this is a letter to the church.

Dear Church,

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And He said to me, It is done! “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 21:3-6)

Here we see all that will pass away but Revelation 7 highlights what remains; “people from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” worshipping the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Joyful unity in diversity awaits us, what a magnificent picture of eternity. Our time on earth is temporary but sacred, and in this messy middle, emotions are a significant part of our human experience. In the midst of our darkest times and deepest emotions, when doubts may cross our minds or despair may fill our hearts, we may question if God is still there? Is He really good? Or how much He truly cares? In these moments and seasons God does not rush us to get to the other side of our pain, instead He is with us; healing, comforting, leading and convicting us. Throughout this devotional we have presented the pain that racism creates and pointed us to the only place where we can find hope - He has given us His Spirit and His word.

The Bible is trustworthy and true; captured on papyrus so that we can keep close to the heart of God. Every letter, word and chapter in this book is breathed by God and revealed by the Holy Spirit. A manual for every situation and emotion, where we can find both compassion and comfort for our souls. It reminds us who we are and whose we are. Not just His, but we also belong to each other. There is life to be found in these letters from Him so keep coming back to His word, it reveals His faithfulness and His love reminding us where our help comes from. In a world that seeks to divide to conquer, as the body of Christ, we can show the kingdom way. Leading the way in honouring each other, initiating healing conversations, and being honest about our humanity. The riches of life are found in relationships and through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, reconciliation across multicultural differences is one of the realities that we can experience. As we draw near to God and to each other, we will be able to marvel as we experience belonging in diversity and God-given unity on this side of eternity.

Reflection Points

To the Church:

  • Questions:
    • Which day resonated with you the most and why?
    • What has challenged you the most about this devotional and why?
    • How are you going to build authentic and intentional relationships with Christians from other cultures?
  • Pray for greater revelation of God and His faithfulness in the scriptures in times of your bible study
  • Pray for an increase of unity in your local church and for protection of the unity
  • Pray for revelation and repentance, healing and wholeness in those that have read this devotional.


Day 8

About this Plan

Letters to the Church: Emotions and Racism

In the first and second part of our devotional series discussing racism, we explored God’s heart for diversity, and presented a case against racism. This final part leans into some of the prominent emotions and positions, pointing people to the firm foundation of God’s word to help us understand how to respond. We encourage you to read this devotional with others to unpack your own thoughts and feelings as you journey through these letters to the church.
