Growing in Gratitudeనమూనా

Growing in Gratitude

DAY 4 OF 4

Dealing with Disappointment

We are officially in the Christmas season! But first, how was your Thanksgiving? Did your day go just as you pictured?

One year, everything seemed to go wrong on Thanksgiving. The night before, I thought all was running according to schedule. Thanksgiving morning, however, I realized that I had messed up, fallen short, and was let down (by myself). I had forgotten to place three freshly made side dishes into the refrigerator the night before, resulting in the need to remake them all that morning. The time spent remaking these dishes caused me to not have enough time to make other dishes on my list. The house was a mess. Our efforts to squeeze in a family Christmas picture that morning didn’t yield the desired outcome. A family member was sick and wouldn’t be able to join in the day’s celebration. As set back and disappointment piled one on top of another, anxious thoughts also began to pile one on top of another. I could have either given into them or given them over to God. Years ago, I would have given in and let disappointments, frustration, and anxiety dominate my day. In doing so, I probably would have ruined a few of my loved ones’ day as well. Now I knew to give my let downs to God. He could handle my shortcomings and disappointments. He could give me whole peace in the midst of my broken plans.

As I went about my day, choosing to celebrate His goodness (true celebration is focusing on Him, after all and not the perfect execution of my plans) and giving thanks unto Him (what a blessing it is to choose gratitude in the face of disappointment), He was magnified and my disappointment was minimized. I quickly realized this would not be the last time I would experience thoughts of disappointment, worry, or anxiety this holiday season and that I needed to be mindful of my thinking: do I have a mind full of His Word and truth? What am I choosing to think about and how am I choosing to respond to my anxious thoughts?

The Bible has much to say when it comes to our thought life. Whether it’s disappointments, frustrations, worries, or anxieties, God’s Word holds the answer. The psalmist knew where to turn to for comfort when his anxious thoughts seemed to multiply within him; likewise when we turn to the Lord and apply His Word, we can learn to allow His thoughts to settle ours. As we renew our minds with the Word of God, replacing our anxious thoughts with His truth, we are able to set our minds on things above. Knowing His truth assures us that: in our failures, His grace is enough; in our weakness, He is made strong; when our plans fail, His do not; when people let us down, He won’t; when we are in need, He will provide; when it looks impossible, all things are possible with Him. We can choose to think upon His truth, thus being set free from the worries, anxieties, frustrations, and disappointments that would otherwise rule over us throughout this hectic season.

This holiday season, when disappointments and anxieties mount, will you choose with me to remember Who we’re celebrating and do so with a grateful heart - regardless of the fleas or grape seeds (Day 1) and the undesirable gifts (Day 2), all while growing in gratitude for what we have been given as a result of the very first “Black Friday” (Day 3)? Why? Because He is worthy of thanksgiving - of growing us in gratitude - now and all year long.

We hope this plan encouraged you. Connect with Cara Blondo of The One Thing Desired blog and the Perspective Shifts podcast (or on Instagram) for more biblical encouragement and complementary resources.

Day 3

About this Plan

Growing in Gratitude

We know that this time of year we ought to be grateful, but if we took an inventory of our heart, would we see a heart that is growing in gratitude or one that is grumbling, ungrateful, and perhaps even taking His very good gifts for granted? In this 4 day plan, we will remind ourselves why we truly can grow in gratitude, regardless of our circumstances.
