Looking for a Miracleనమూనా

Looking for a Miracle

DAY 2 OF 4

Knowing the Promise Keeper Means Knowing How He Performs Miracles Today

Why haven't I seen the miraculous take place in my life? Can I really count on the Bible for hope?

The Bible is good news for bad times. God’s precious anointing can come alive to us as we read the pages of His Word. The Bible brings hope where there is no hope. But, above all, the Bible tells us what God wants to do supernaturally when we call upon Him in prayer and faith. The Bible paints the picture of who God is and the reality of His existence in the world and in our individual lives.

This means that the Truth of Scripture is still alive—and God’s miraculous power is still at work!

Jesus plainly said, “Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:26). That’s you and me. Jesus said, “Do you believe this?” If so, then you have the victory necessary to overcome the world.

And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? —1 John 5:4–5

God has a spiritual kingdom, and the only hands He can leave it in are those who don’t limit what He can do, how He can do it, and when He can do it. God enjoys working together with His family, and since faith moves the mountains in front of us, God has to leave His kingdom in the hands of people of faith.

Miracles today happen when we are patient with God's timing and ways.

It takes patience and forcefulness to press in and take the kingdom of heaven. Mary and Martha had to be patient to see their brother alive and well again. It took forcefulness to roll away the stone and faith to believe Lazarus would come forth when Jesus called him. Mary and Martha and their friends endured a test of their patience and a trial of their faith, but Jesus came through with their miracle!

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. —James 1:2–4

Patience has a perfect work, but a lot of times we think of the word perfect as meaning flawless—that we should be absolutely flawless without even a sniff of sin in our lives. That’s not what perfect means. The word perfect in Hebrew is tamim. And tamim describes a situation in which you’re completely out of ideas. In this verse, that’s what the word perfect means. Let patience have its perfect work. You’re out of ideas, and you’re wondering, “How am I going to do this? I have tried everything that I know to do.” When you’ve run out of ideas, God will bring the miracle and you will see a perfect work.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Looking for a Miracle

Have you been praying for a miracle but can’t seem to find evidence of one within reach? In this 4-day devotional by Larry and Tiz Huch, you will learn about the depth and greatness of God’s love that points to His miraculous work in the big and small things of our lives each day. You don’t have to wonder if God is for you—you can know that He is.
