Year of the Bible: Part Six of Twelve నమూనా

Year of the Bible: Part Six of Twelve

30 యొక్క 23

The Faithfulness of God

Our God is faithful. He has proven throughout biblical history that He will hold true to His promises. Even when His chosen ones decide to be faithless, our God remains faithful.

We read in these chapters about the faithfulness of God in the midst of the faithlessness of His chosen people. Throughout biblical history, the people of God, called to be a "light to the nations," continue to fail in their calling. We find a priest in Ezra, a man of God willing to confront the sin of intermarriage with pagans while also interceding for God's mercy on behalf of God's people. Ezra is a "type" of Jesus. For Jesus is the one who requires that we confront our sin, so we will come to Him to receive His merciful payment for our guilt and sin.

Question: Compromise in matters of holiness always causes problems. Have you compromised in any matter of your "being a light to the nations?" If yes, come to the cross of Jesus, repent of your sin, and receive your forgiveness to freedom in Jesus.

Prayer: Father, I come to you with humility, requesting that your Holy Spirit reveal any area of compromise I may have in my life. Draw near to me as I draw near to you. If I have any compromise to repent from, I do so in Jesus' name. Create in me a clean heart and cleanse me from my iniquity so that we may walk together in sweet fellowship. Amen!

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