Our Daily Bread: Unity in Jesusనమూనా

Our Daily Bread: Unity in Jesus

DAY 1 OF 10

Community Garden

All the believers were united in heart and mind. -Acts 4:32

The community garden near my house has more than twenty plots available to rent. After paying a small fee, neighbors can cultivate their own plot all summer long and get the use of shared tools, water, soil, and fencing.

By pooling their resources, neighbors who wouldn’t normally have the space or tools to garden get access to a whole network of resources.

At harvest time, those with an abundance of one kind of produce can share with others so that everyone has enough.

The community garden is a beautiful picture of what Christ-honoring relationships and stewardship can look like. In Acts 4, Luke describes the united community of the early church. As more believers in Jesus were added to their number, Luke says they were “united in heart and mind” (v. 32), a beautiful description of unity that Jesus prayed for before His crucifixion (John 17).

But in addition to spiritual unity, they also “shared everything they had” (Acts 4:32). Some disciples were moved to give generously of their own resources and property to assist those in need (vv. 34–35). By participating in fellowship, serving together, and helping each other, they grew beautiful spiritual fruit of kindness, generosity, and love.

Instead of focusing only on our own garden—our efforts, resources, and goals—let’s tend our community garden and by God’s grace produce something beautiful.

Karen Pimpo

What “community garden” is available to you? How can you share work, resources, and fruit with your faith family?

May I be united in heart and mind with other believers, Jesus. Help me to better reflect You in community.


Day 2