Famous at Home నమూనా

Famous at Home

DAY 1 OF 7

Who Is Famous to You?

Being famous at home is about showing up, in love, for our spouse and our kids. And we show up best when we do so from a place of feeling truly loved ourselves.

The beloved disciple John described the source of feeling loved when he wrote, “We love each other because He loved us first” (1 John 4:19). How well we step into the shoes of another person’s world and truly love them for who they are without making it about us flows from feeling loved by God. We can tap into that feeling when we recall how someone showed up for us as a child.

Who was “famous” for you when you were a child? Recall one person who showed up for you, even if it was in a single moment. How did his or her support encourage you and give you confidence? Whether or not the person is still alive, you might consider writing him or her a letter to show your appreciation.

We all deserve to be loved; to have someone who shows up for us. God already deeply loves you. The Bible says, “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear” (1 John 4:18).

Jesus drew on this transformational experience of divine love when He addressed his disciples shortly before His arrest and crucifixion: “Dear children, I will be with you only a little longer” (John 13:33). At first glance, it might seem condescending to address other adults as children. But Jesus used this affectionate address for His disciples only once in the gospels, [i] and understanding the context in which He used it makes it even more meaningful. The Greek word translated “Dear children” is tension; it is a term that conveys deep affection. Jesus used it to express His heartfelt tenderness toward His disciples right before He gave them a new commandment: “Just as I have loved you, you should love each other” (John 13:34). Did you catch the connection? Before commanding them to love, He wanted them to know how deeply they were loved by Him.

When we experience this kind of love from God, it frees us from the spirits of judgment, shame, and condemnation. We become free to be ourselves and to show up for others because we trust God to show up for us.

We can show up selflessly for our spouse because God first loved us.

We can love our kids as Jesus loves us because we too are His children.

We can participate in divine love and show up for others filled with the fullness of God.

That’s because God created human relationships to function in much the same way, giving us a taste of heaven on earth as we experience His love through others who show up for us.

[i] “John 13:33,” Pulpit Commentary, Bible Hub

Day 2

About this Plan

Famous at Home

We all want to be famous at home, renowned for showing up for our loved ones. Yet our busyness and personal pursuits can create long term disconnection inside the home. Our spouse and kids deserve more than our leftovers. You’ll discover what’s keeping you from being truly present with those you love, where you find your identity, and how God’s unfathomable love gives your family purpose bigger than yourselves.
