Growth Spurtనమూనా

Growth Spurt

DAY 2 OF 7


Remember the word R.E.F.L.E.C.T stands for R–Relationships; E–Evangelism. Jesus gave us one mission–to go and make disciples. Disciple-making isn’t one of the things we do; it is who we are.

Evangelism comes from the Greek words “euaggelion” — a good message, or gospel — and “euaggelizo” — to announce, declare, bring, or preach this good news. Notice the word “angel” tucked inside the word evangelism — an angel is a messenger. Those who practice evangelism are indeed delivering a message: One of extraordinarily good news, life-giving and transformative, with eternal rewards..

As a Christ follower, you can practice evangelism in these ways:

  1. You share your story by speaking about how God became real to you. This is the gospel in action.
  2. You live by example, use the Bible as your standard for living, and live out your faith.
  3. You use your gifts to teach, preach, serve, encourage, and build up the local church using the standard of the Bible.

Evangelism, which is spreading the gospel, is important to Jesus. As the Bible tells us, Jesus came so that we may live. Jesus wants everyone to know this truth so they, too, can be part of God’s holy kingdom. His directives to evangelize are peppered throughout Scripture.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells us, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” We are to spread this good news everywhere — to the ends of the earth — secure in knowing that He is with us always.

So every believer is called to be an evangelist, in a sense, in a personal one-on-one context with neighbors, friends and coworkers. Evangelism doesn’t have to be complicated but simply being available to others through conversations as the Holy Spirit prompts and gives opportunity to talk about the good news of Jesus.

The fact that you and I are so ordinary makes us the best witnesses to know how extraordinary Jesus is. Trust Him, and do your part. He is already at work in every heart – don’t doubt it. Your aim is to join the Spirit in the work he is doing in the lives of those in your path.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Growth Spurt

The word R.E.F.L.E.C.T. in this Bible plan is an acronym to help us understand the disciple-making process. R-Relationship, E-Evangelism, F-Fruit of the Spirit, L-Listening, E-Edification, C-Christ-Likeness, and T-Transformation. A disciple is a person who follows Jesus to become like Him. This growth spurt plan is to intentionally equip believers with the tools to reflect the image of Christ.
