Biblical Success - Running Our Race - the "D" Vine Strategyనమూనా

Biblical Success - Running Our Race - the "D" Vine Strategy

DAY 2 OF 5

Today let’s start with “abiding in Christ.” The definition of the word abide is “to live in or remain or stay in.” When Jesus calls us to abide in Him, He asks for a full-time engagement with Him. He is asking us to engage in the tension that comes with living in two realms simultaneously, in living on the earth with one eye toward heaven. In the world but not of it. Both a physical and spiritual life simultaneously. What scripture calls “in the flesh” and “in the spirit.”

That’s the example Jesus gave us. His vision was permanently fixed in The Kingdom of God, and He never forgot that He was here on a mission. That clear focus gave Him the perspective to make every decision that he had to make to navigate His “short term” mission on earth and, at the same time, never forget His ultimate mission. Sure, He is Lord, and we’re not, but the principle is the same. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that He prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) Like Jesus, we have a “short term” mission on earth as Ambassadors for Christ and then a much longer-term mission as part of the Father’s eternal family in heaven.

Abiding in Christ is living in increasing communion and intimacy with Him through developing a growing awareness of His constant presence in us and through us. We are nurtured by increasing knowledge and application of His written Word, as revealed by His Spirit over time. It isn’t something that we can obtain by attending a conference or reading a book. However, those and other tools can help us, as can sermons and teaching through others. Abiding is more intensely personal. It starts with a heart decision and commitment to walk with Jesus in a loving, obedient relationship with Him as Master and us as a disciple, a learner following and living with his teacher.

Here is an uncomfortable truth. At any given moment, we each have as much of God in our lives as we want, as much intimacy with Him as we desire. God is an Equal Opportunity Father. Each of us who seeks Him will never be turned away. He will fill our cup as complete as we allow Him to and never tell us "I’m busy, come back later” or “At Lunch, back at 1:30.” Our Father is the most magnificent being in all of His creation. Eternal. Unlimited in any way and the perfect expression of perfect and unconditional love. He allows us to choose through His gift of free will to cuddle as close to Him as we can or to turn away and go it alone, abide in Jesus, or make only an occasional visit. Abiding opts for intimacy and closeness.

So, how about it? Where are you in terms of abiding with Jesus??

Day 1Day 3