God Revealed – A New Testament Journeyనమూనా

God Revealed – A New Testament Journey

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Luke: Son of Man Seeks and Saves

This book records an accurate account “so that you may know the exact truth” (1:4), of the life of Jesus Christ as the perfect Savior of the world.
Luke, the only Greek writer in the New Testament emphasizes:
- "Son of Man" used 80 times
- Jesus for everyone

Son of Man

The expression occurs in Daniel, Acts (Stephen’s speech), Gospels and Revelation, depicting Christ’s combined deity and humanity - fully God yet fully man.
Jesus sets out a new relationship protocol that “My mother and my brothers are these who hear God's Message and obey it.“ Luke 8:21
Christ, Son of God became Son of Man - the perfect bridge between God and man.

Came to Seek

In Luke alone we find episodes and parables specifically highlighting Christ seeking those outside the traditional Jewish “box” including:
- Good Samaritan (Samaritans are traditionally outcast)
- God’s orientation to the publican’s prayer vs. Pharisee’s
- Rich fool, Rich man and Lazarus, highlighting the poor man’s “rich” condition in heaven
- Lost coin, prodigal son – love and patience of the Father on those who have strayed
- Unjust steward
- Zacchaeus – tax collector, typically branded corrupt
- Conversation with the thief on the cross
- Jesus applauding Mary’s (Martha’s sister) better choice
Christ is never too busy to personally connect outside his comfort zone (Luke 9:57-60).

And to Save

The biggest and primary act of salvation is through his death (Luke 13:23:24). Lives of many healed and saved by Christ are of greatly influence for Christ.
History [1] records that:
- The paralytic (Luke 5:19) and the dead widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7:10-17), senior Roman executives, plays a role including preserving Bible writings impacting history. [1]
- The forgiven adulteress is a highly influential lady using her position as leader in Syria to bring Christ to new parts of the world. [1]
- The little band of disciples (men and women) bring Christ to the world

The Lost

Luke emphasizes that Jesus reaches everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion, who sincerely acknowledge their need for Him. Every lost hope, lost credibility, lost status, lost life, etc., most of all, lost fellowship with God.

Christ sets a benchmark that everyone is our neighbor (Good Samaritan – Luke 10).

Christ is still searching today. Are we ready to follow Christ outside our comfort zone, to truly seek the lost for their salvation?


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ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

God Revealed – A New Testament Journey

As a flash of light in darkness, the New Testament blazes hope to a world in sin. Through His sacrificial death, Christ absolves sin and shares His Kingdom - a choice offered to everyone who believes in Him. That choice, once made, mandates obedience to the benchmark lifestyle revealed by Christ in the New Testament. Having 4 parts and 30 lessons, GOD REVEALED is a sequel to GOD’S TOUCHPOINTS, An Old Testament Journey.
