The Commission: A 4-Day Devotional With CAINనమూనా

The Commission: A 4-Day Devotional With CAIN

4 యొక్క 4

Day Four: Jesus-Centered Greatness

“Truly I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

—John 14:12-13

Think about the person you know whose life and accomplishments you admire the most. Maybe she’s gone through difficult life experiences and stayed joyfully faithful through it all. Maybe he’s made the most of his gifts and has impacted the world in astounding ways. Maybe she’s the most generous person you’ve ever met, giving her time and resources in ways that will leave a profound legacy. Now think about this—how you feel about that person. Jesus' disciples undoubtedly felt many times more than that about Him.

They had been with Him for three years! They had watched Him selflessly endure more than any person should have to and always with faithfulness. They had witnessed firsthand the astounding impact He had on people from all walks of life. They had never met anyone more generous with His time. And it didn’t look like He had any resources, but the truth was, His resources for helping and teaching others never seemed to run out. What He did and the way He did it was completely unique. Following Jesus was filled with admiration and awe, so to hear Him say they would do the works He did—and to an even greater extent—would have blown their minds. Since these words of Jesus also apply to believers today, maybe they blow your mind, too.

To be clear, “greater” doesn’t mean more spectacular or miraculous. You really can’t get more spectacular and miraculous than bringing a dead person back to life! But Jesus' earthly ministry was limited in time and space. His public ministry only lasted about three years in a small sector of the world. Our ministry is not limited in these same ways. After Jesus' ascension, the disciples carried Jesus' ministry all over the world. We can also think about it this way: Jesus never once sinned, but we certainly do. So, when God uses us to minister to people, His Spirit does a greater, more involved, work. He prepares our hearts and minds to share the gospel and He gives us the courage we need to do it. He helps those we share with to look past our own faithlessness to see God’s faithfulness. He opens their hearts to accept the truth of our words, no matter our lack of expertise in delivering them. But we must step out in faith.

To summarize Paul’s words in Ephesians 3:20, even the biggest dreamer can’t imagine what God can do through him or her. God’s power is at work, in you. Believe in Him, prayerfully set your heart and mind on accomplishing His work in the world, and He will use you to do greater things—for His glory and our good.


· What evidence have you seen of the great works of God in your own walk of faith? What areas would you like Him to work in?

· What “greater works” would you like to see Jesus accomplish in your community? If you were going to make a spiritual “wish list” what would be on it?

· Thank God for His commission and the promise that He will carry it out in ways that are greater than you can imagine. Invite Him to make it so today.


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The Commission: A 4-Day Devotional With CAIN

Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." For 4-days, join CAIN as they navigate what The Commission truly means and how it applies to our lives in the 21st century. Whether you need encouragement in your faith or deeper understanding, this devotional will string together some of Jesus' final words on Earth and what he was trying to teach the disciples.
