

DAY 5 OF 5

Loving Your Neighbour

God calls us to be generous with our words, our time and our finances. We are blessed so we can be a blessing to others. Do you know of a truly generous person? I suspect the person you’re thinking of is surrounded by friends and family having formed deep interpersonal connections. They overflow with abundance and joy and are always willing to give and to lend a helping hand.

As God’s children, we have freely received so much! Right relationship with Him, blessing, favor, protection, promise, His Spirit, and His Word. With this abundance, we have plenty to contribute to this hurting world. Who is in your world, within arm’s reach, that you can bless? A struggling mom, a lonely child, a sad neighbor, a troubled colleague, a devastated friend? Who comes to mind?

As God’s child, you have the kind word, the thoughtful gesture, the extravagant tip, the helping hand, the monthly sponsorship, the cooked meal that will make all the difference in someone’s day. In doing so, you will be loving your neighbor as yourself.


Want more? Check out the Real Hope Conversations Podcast and delve deeper into the topic of Generosity with Neri Morris. Available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Day 4