I Am a Wise Woman: A Morning Mediation Series by Bwfwomanనమూనా
The Word of God confirms time after time that it is wise to rely on God for answers to the questions that you have. In James 1:5, the Bible tells us that in order to receive wisdom, all you have to do is ask for it. However, when you are seeking an answer from God, be ready if God asks you a question in return, to help you develop wisdom. Unlike Eve, who hid from God’s question, wisdom is cultivated when you choose to answer God’s question and learn to move when He moves.
A few questions God has asked me when I asked Him for deeper insight include:
- "Have you been faithful over this small thing?"
- "Did you do what I asked you to do?"
- "Show me where you've been consistent with releasing control to Me?"
The promises of God are available to all, but in all of God's promises, there is always a requirement – or a condition – for you to fulfill. The role you play in it all is ACTION. Your foundation is in God, and you move in His strength, but the operative word here is “move.” Faith without works is dead.
Do you need to believe, fast, pray, tithe, receive, trust, or call on God? Whatever you need to claim the full, complete promise from God is yours to act on after seeking Him for guidance.
Let’s look at all the examples of this in the Bible:
- David called on the Lord and was saved.
- Abraham believed, and as a result, God gave him righteousness and wealth.
- Esther fasted and prayed, and her people were spared.
The words in bold, above, are the action each of these people took in response to wisdom. In example after example in the Bible, there was an intentional action from a person that drew a response from God.
Draw close to God, and He will draw close to you. It is in these quiet moments that He reveals Himself to you. Take action, but never allow the promises of God to be more important to you than His presence. The promise is a result of God's presence, but it should never be the primary reason to be in His presence. The primary reason is always a relationship with Him, above all.
For everything you're asking of God today, turn your prayer around by asking God what action you need to take, and what you need to release to Him to control.
God desires a relationship with you – so spend time listening, and you'll receive more than the answer and direction on the right action to take that you've been looking for – you'll receive access to the heart of God.
Today’s Affirmation
God is calling you deeper into His purpose and plan for your life. You see the many ways in which you were created for more. Godly expansion fills your mind and you know beyond knowing that God is here for you. The actions that God is directing you to take are becoming crystal clear, and you have peace. The surety of God’s direction is establishing rich, beautiful wisdom in your heart and mind today.
BWFwoman's manifestHER Daily Question of the Day:
What action is God instructing you to take? If you don’t know yet, ask Him.
ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి
This compilation of daily devotionals is centered on the affirmation “I AM a Wise Woman”, written by @BWFwoman. Enjoy a new opportunity to meditate on the Word of God through this series of wisdom-centered devotions and “I AM” affirmations designed to help you gain wisdom, radiance, grace, and joy, and discover internal and external beauty – a fulfilled life in Christ.