21 Days to Finding Eternal Purpose in Your Daily Workనమూనా

21 Days to Finding Eternal Purpose in Your Daily Work

DAY 1 OF 21

In the Church today, we talk a lot about how God is loving, holy, omnipresent, all-powerful, faithful, just, and true. But we rarely, if ever, talk about the fact we worship a God who works. And yet, that is the very first thing God reveals about Himself in Scripture.

In the beginning, God created. In the beginning, God was productive. In the beginning, God worked. Throughout the first pages of Genesis, we see God engaged in “the work of creating” (Genesis 2:3). The Hebrew mlkh, which we translate “work” in this verse, is the exact same word used to describe ordinary human work throughout the Old Testament.

This claim that the God of the Bible works is unique amongst the world’s religions. Every other religion says the gods created human beings to work and serve the gods. Only the Bible says God Himself worked to serve us.

This radical truth is foundational to how we—God’s image-bearers—should think about our work today. The fact the God of the universe worked means that work is not a “necessary evil” or a meaningless “means to an end.” Work is dignified, meaningful, and good in and of itself. More than that, work is God-like and a way we reflect His character to those around us.


Day 2