[Life Of David] A Night Of Passion Becomes A Life Of Pain నమూనా

[Life Of David] A Night Of Passion Becomes A Life Of Pain

DAY 2 OF 7

What Really Satisfies

Age can bore us, success can blind us, and indulgence can stimulate us. David was the King of Israel. He had everything. He most likely had done everything he wanted to do. I’m certain he was beginning to ask himself the same questions we ask ourselves when we get to a certain age, have everything, and start to get bored. Questions like: What else do you do now that you’re the king or retired, or your kids are grown-ups, or you have finished your last project? Where else can you go? How much higher can you go? We may begin to ask what is new out there? Maybe you have eaten at every restaurant in your city. You have traveled to all the places you wanted; you’ve been to the mountains and the beach. You have had all the cars you liked. You have the house of your dreams. You have done everything there is to do. Now you are bored.

Success can blind us. When we are successful in our lives, careers, and family life, we can begin to think things like: “Bad things will never happen to me. I am successful. I have been a fighter, making it through, stepping forward. I am the one who wins.” Maybe David thought: “I do not need to go to battle anymore because I am so successful. I am the king. I have everything I ever wanted. Everyone does what I tell them to do. I get things done. I do not lose battles. I win battles.” Success becomes blinding to him, and indulgence begins to be his only stimulation. “I want more. I want more of this and more of that.” How much money does it take to satisfy someone? A dollar more.

God has wired a paradox against the world’s idea of satisfaction. It is better to give than to receive. The broad road leads to destruction, and the narrow road leads to life. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life will find it. If you are humble, you will be exalted; if you are exalted, you will be humble. Sexual satisfaction comes from one woman and one man in a marriage for life.

David had many wives and many children. Still, he wanted more. He had sexual temptation. Satisfaction comes from sex within marriage in an intimate relationship. When we are intimate in conversation, in our living arrangements, finances, and emotions, this intimacy is expressed physically. Pornography does not satisfy; multiple partners do not satisfy. Honoring God in marriage with your spouse satisfies.

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