7 Prayers for Your Nationనమూనా

7 Prayers for Your Nation

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2: Pray for God's People to Return to Him

The promise of Second Chronicles 7:14 does not depend upon lost people coming to Jesus and seeking Him. Instead, it's completely dependent upon us—God's people—humbling ourselves, praying, seeking God's face, and turning from our wicked ways.

So today, we are praying for Christians to return to God, love Him, and serve Him with all our might.

Pray along these lines:   

  • Pray for revival in every Church.    
  • Pray that churches, pastors, and Christians everywhere would return to the Bible, which is the inerrant, infallible Word of God.   
  • Pray for Christians everywhere to repent; to humble ourselves; to seek God with all our hearts; and to go back to our first love and fire for the Lord.

If you don't have words to pray today, pray this:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus' name.

Father God, thank You for hearing and answering my prayers. Thank You for Your promise to heal this nation if we, Your people, humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways. I praise You for Your mercy, Father, and for giving us hope in Jesus Christ.

Father, I ask today that You would move to bring revival to Your church:   

  • Let us, Your people, humble ourselves and acknowledge our sins. Convict us of everything in our hearts that is not pleasing to You!   
  • Grant us deep repentance, Lord, and help us to turn around and follow hard after righteousness.    
  • Help us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, and Your righteousness, and all the things we need will be added unto us.   
  • Let us return to Your Word, to prayer, and to fasting.   
  • Give us, Your people, a heart to worship You. Let our worship be genuine and sacrificial; help us to worship You in Spirit and in truth.   
  • Teach us how to witness again and tell others about You. Let the Gospel burn in our hearts again, and let us be bold and brave in sharing it everywhere we go!

Father God, I pray that Your Word would thunder from the pulpits of my nation once again.

Just as Jonathan Edwards, John Sung, and Charles Finney once preached Your Word with power and boldness, so let Your Word thunder from the lips of the preachers in my nation again. Give us boldness, that we may preach and proclaim Your Word without apology and without compromise! Send a great awakening, Father, and let the nation be filled with Your holy revival.

Father, I pray that You would soften the hearts of Your people all across my nation.

I ask in Jesus' name that You would make us tender and sensitive to You again. Shower Your goodness upon us, for Your goodness leads us to repentance. Pour out Your spirit of humility upon us. Help us humble ourselves, pray, turn from our wicked ways, and seek Your face, Father. And as we do, I pray that You would heal our land.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

Friend, if we will seek God and ask Him to change our hearts and baptize us afresh with His Spirit and fire, He will answer. 

And not only will He change us, but He will send a revival that saves souls. He will bring the lost to Himself, and He will heal your nation.

We'll see you tomorrow for Day 3 of 7 Prayers for Your Nation!


Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Nation

7 Prayers for Your Nation: How to intercede for your nation by praying the Scriptures back to the Lord. Pray for the government, kings, and all who are in authority—including every citizen! Every person is called to be an intercessor, and your prayers can shape the history and future of your nation. As you pray for revival in your nation, God will hear and answer.
