A Devotional Guide to Pray With Gratitude During the Thanksgiving Seasonనమూనా

A Devotional Guide to Pray With Gratitude During the Thanksgiving Season

DAY 9 OF 9


• By day seven, God finished His work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.

I don’t know about you, but I get tired. Although I am retired, I still work; I clean my home, work in my flower beds, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. You get the picture. There are days I can’t wait to tilt back in my easy chair and rest. God knew we would get tired, so on the seventh day, after God had finished all of creation, He also rested. He set the example to His command to keep the Sabbath as a Holy day; not just for us to rejuvenate our bodies, but to focus on who He is - Holy!

“Thus, the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”  Genesis 2:1-3 NIV

In your prayers, thank God:

• for giving our bodies rest and creating a day for rest.

• for setting aside a day to honor Him. 

Today ends our devotion, but it doesn’t end our month of gratitude and thanksgiving. We surely can take time each day this month to show Him our thanksgiving and gratitude. Below is an idea list of things to give God thanks. When the month is over, don't stop thanking Him; we should forever be thankful and tell Him each day!

Heavenly Father,

You know that many days I feel inwardly exhausted, and I cherish a time to relax and shut the world out.  I thank You for my warm bed where I can sleep each night. Thank You, God, for knowing the human body would need to regenerate itself each night with rest. Thank You, God, for setting aside the Sabbath so that Your people would honor You and focus on all You have done and who You are. Thank You that we can have Sabbath wherever we are. I thank You for church buildings where fellow believers gather in common faith. I thank You for music that lifts Your name in worship and for those in Pastorate positions who share truth from Your Word. To You be all glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

LIST OF GRATITUDE IDEAS: (take one day this month and choose from the following)

• Family

• Friends

• The Church

• Christian Brothers and Sisters in Faith

• Neighbors

• Missionaries

• Military

• The country where you are a citizen

• Israel (God’s Chosen Nation)

• Our homes

• Our jobs, and workplace (or if retired for the years you had employment)

• Our clothing and belongings

• Transportation

• Our health (even if we are ill, there are things about our health to be thankful for)

• Law and rules

• Medical personnel and first responders

• Technology

• You Version Bible App

• Freedoms

• The principle of sowing and reaping

• The written Word of God that is our moral guide and compass through life

• For our Triune God that promises us to be with us through all things.

Thank you, God, for each reader. I pray You will bless them as we seek to know You more. 

If you enjoyed this plan, I hope you will want to read others by searching within the app, Eternity Matters With Norma. I also invite you to a daily devotional at https://www.facebook.com/eternitymatterswithnorma 


Day 8

About this Plan

A Devotional Guide to Pray With Gratitude During the Thanksgiving Season

November is a month that we think of Thanksgiving! What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Is it the family gathering with turkey and all the trimmings? We know it has a far deeper meaning than this. Please join me as we go before God with a heart of gratitude, with a 30-Day Prayer Guide included
