Our Daily Bread: Remembering 9/11నమూనా

Our Daily Bread: Remembering 9/11

DAY 3 OF 10

Hole in the World

As for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter. -Psalm 73:28

In the days prior to the September 11 attacks, the American band The Eagles were preparing to go into the studio and record together for the first time in two decades. The events of 9/11 changed their priorities, however, and they began writing a song out of the pain and loss of that dark day. Eventually, they created the song “Hole in the World,” a mournful lament that expresses our human longing for a world ruled by love instead of anger, ignorance, and hatred.  

Life’s tragedies leave us feeling empty, helpless, and hopeless in ways that can turn even the hearts of the faithful to despair. The ancient songwriter Asaph experienced those same emotions as he observed the injustices of life. Yet Asaph found his spirit restored when he turned toward the Lord who created him (Psalm 73:17). Derek Kidner writes that Asaph’s perspective changed when God ceased to be for him an object of speculation and became instead the focus of his worship. 

In the midst of life’s emptiness and tragedy we find renewed strength as we discover “how good it is to be near God!” (v. 28). Only He can fill our hearts when there’s a hole in our personal world. We can put our trust in Him.

Heavenly Father, so often it seems that evil is winning in this world. But You’re still in control, and You have me in Your hand. I offer You my praise and worship.

Bill Crowder


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