Who Is God?నమూనా

Who Is God?

DAY 14 OF 23

God is unique

God is not just one among many gods. He reveals himself as the only real God. All others are fake. They are either products of the human fantasy or evil spirits claiming to be gods.

God is incomparable in power and wisdom, in greatness and authority. If only we look at the universe He created, we have to admit that this God is beyond comparison.

In Israel’s history, there are numerous stories where God shows that idols are powerless, that they can’t really help in times of trouble. There is only one Creator, and He wants our undivided devotion. He does not accept that we worship other gods besides him: “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). The Bible nevertheless contains many stories about the Israelites worshiping other gods instead of — or besides — their real God. This leads to severe judgments.

We should love this one and only God “with all our heart and all our soul”. Do you do that?


Day 13Day 15