There Is More to Life: Belongingనమూనా

There Is More to Life: Belonging

DAY 3 OF 3

The Fullness of His Presence Felt in Community

By Shona Baselice 

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”—Romans 15:5–7

My husband and I recently had dinner at a couple’s house from church. I was especially looking forward to this night because the wife has a reputation for being an excellent cook and rumors of their hospitality abounded. I had barely crossed the threshold of their front door before the truth of these rumors were realized. From the cozy atmosphere to the thoughtful conversation, everything seemed to be inviting us into relationship, beckoning us to come close and find a place of belonging there.

Our host and hostess definitely have the gift of hospitality. Their attention to detail and the warmth of their care impacted me so greatly that days later I was still thinking about our time together. One simple meal shared around a table filled me with such joy and nourished my soul. What they offered us was not only just their kindness, but also was the love of Christ within them. Their relationship with Jesus spilled over into the room that night, and we all experienced the fullness of His presence. It’s as the verse says, we “dwelled in harmony with one another . . . and together with one voice glorified God.”

This past year was hard. Life for the world changed overnight and so many of us struggled to remain planted in community. Practically at times, it seemed impossible to do so. Our dinner date reminded me of how deeply I valued being together again, breaking bread, and laughing at everything and nothing at all. Thankfully things aren’t like they were a year ago and gathering with each other is possible once more. I pray that you find yourself rooted and flourishing within your community these days. There’s abundant life to be found there, a life that brings joy to our hearts and glory to His name.  

PAUSE: Reflect on a time you experienced the fullness of God’s presence in the form of community. How did you grow from this experience?

PRACTICE: Write a list of all the ways you experience the joys of living in community with others. Thank Jesus for each one and thank Him also for the gift of relationship with Him.

PRAY: Jesus, You are a good Father. Your love and care for us is unmatched and overwhelming. We see Your loving hand in the sweet gift of fellowship with You and with others. May we create and cultivate healthy communities that enrich our lives and bring you glory. Amen.


Day 2