Christian Foundations 8 - Communityనమూనా

Christian Foundations 8 - Community

DAY 5 OF 5


I do not know if you have a favorite verse in the Bible, but mine is in today’s reading - Ephesians 4:16 “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” I am not really sure why it’s my favorite, but I love the way it describes how the church functions at its best. I have been a pastor for most of my life and I’ve seen the church look like this on occasions – Christ as head, the whole body committed, the support structures working well (including the leaders) and everyone playing their part. It is very exciting and powerful.  This is how God intends the church to be. This is the way we together reach maturity as a community. 

Read: Ephesians 4:11-16


1. What is God saying to me? Which verse is most significant?

2. What would I like to discuss/explore further?

3. What do I need to do?

4. Do you think this passage describes your church? Why or why not?


There are a number of requirements for a church that functions like this. The leaders need to be equipping members of the community, so they are growing in understanding, ministry, and mission (4:11-13). The people need to be lovingly honest with themselves and with others (4:15). Everyone needs to be submitting to Christ as the head (4:15). And each person needs to be playing their part (4:16). 

The word that encapsulates all of this is commitment. The leaders are committed to Christ and their people. They want to help them attain to “the whole measure of the fulness of Christ” (4:13) and are pouring into them all they have learned. The people are committed to Christ and each other and their leaders. They are not standing on the sidelines watching on but are putting their love into action through honest community and hard work. Everyone is committed to Christ, the community, and the mission. 

My wife often says, “Criticism is the luxury of the uninvolved.” Your church does not need more critics. It needs more people who submit to Jesus and throw themselves into the life of the community and its mission – learning, loving, serving, growing. This does not mean that church activities need to fill all of your life. But if you are going to be part of a vibrant, growing church then you need to commit. 

In most churches, this involves becoming a member. The members are the followers of Jesus who support the church and its leadership, who are committed to be involved, and who together help make the decisions that govern the future of the church. Membership is the way you show your commitment to the church community. If you want to know more about church membership, talk to your mentor or pastor.


Lord, you have great plans for your church and I don’t want to miss out on anything that you are doing. Through my church, teach me, equip me, challenge me, encourage me, and mature me. In sporting terminology, I want to be one of the players on the field and not one of the watchers in the stands. May I play my part with strong commitment.


If you are not already a church member, find out how to apply to become one.


Day 4

About this Plan

Christian Foundations 8 - Community

Community is the eighth in a series of studies that help you establish a strong biblical foundation as a follower of Jesus. In this plan, we look at what the Bible says about the need for Christian community (church) and how you can play your part in forging a strong community with Christians who are different from you.
