Shine Brightనమూనా

Shine Bright

DAY 3 OF 7

Day Three: Not Some But All 

I (Kristen) stood outside my parents’ door, palms sweating, stomach-churning. I felt ill. Weak. Afraid. I knew I needed their help. I was tired of fighting my sin alone. 

As a teen, this secret sin had been plaguing me for some time. My sexual desires and the things I did to satisfy my own lustful passions were hurting me spiritually. That much was obvious. But tell my parents? Really?

Then I remembered the words from James 5:16, “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” I knew my parents were godly people. I knew their prayers could help me. I knew that they would love me no matter what. I knocked. I told them about my struggles. I cried . . . a lot. And my healing journey began.

No matter what sin you’ve battled or are battling, freedom starts with confession. And confession leads to forgiveness. That’s why our verse for the day, 1 John 1:9, is so hopeful. Its promise is huge. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive all our sins and cleanse us from everything that’s contaminated us.

Did you catch the essential word all in this verse? God totally, completely forgives us when we confess and repent. Both Bethany and I love to use Psalm 51:10 as a prayer of confession and repentance: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” I encourage you to memorize it as we have so that when you realize sin has you moving in the wrong direction, God’s Word can get you back on the right path.

Don’t let secret sin break you as I did for so long! Find the mercy that Jesus is ready to give when we confess, repent, and receive the pure, clean heart God’s forgiveness provides. Before you take it, the first step of confession feels terrifying. But, sister, I promise . . . that step is so, so freeing. It’s totally understandable if you feel nervous. You know I did! But if God can give me the strength to be brave, He can give it to you too.

Is there a particular sin you can’t seem to conquer? Write a prayer confessing it to God and thanking Him for the gift of forgiveness. Then ask Him to bring to mind a godly person you can confess your sin to and ask to pray with and for you.


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Shine Bright

Authors, ministry founders, and sisters Bethany Beal and Kristen Clark know that following Jesus can sometimes feel like an uphill climb. With so much pressure to conform to cultural norms and popular trends, it's hard to live out your faith each day. By staying grounded in your relationship with Christ and in His Word, you'll have the daily strength you need to live boldly as a girl defined by God.
