Associations Matterనమూనా

Associations Matter

DAY 5 OF 10


Being in a relationship with Jesus Christ is the best decision anyone can ever make. Jesus Christ is our Savior and He spared our lives. It is rewarding to know that God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for our sins and we are saved through Christ Jesus. There are not many associations individuals have in life where someone will willingly spare their life for yours, but praise be to God that Jesus Christ is our advocate.

God communicated with Abraham regarding the finality of the destruction of Sodom. But God was merciful to Lot, his two daughters and wife for Abraham’s sake and brought them out of the city before it was ravaged and completely destroyed. God showed favor to Lot because of his association with Abraham.

Lot was spared because of Abraham’s relationship with God. Similarly you are blessed because of your association with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There are a lot of things God has spared us from because of our association with Jesus Christ. When we pursue associations, God is to be the focal point of the relationship(s).

This is vital. Throughout the bible are numerous accounts of individuals being spared because of their connection to God. That is why we must genuinely seek godly relationships and maintain Christ-centered integrity.

Associations truly matter, it’s time to evaluate and discern who and what we are connected to.
Day 4Day 6