Esther: Silent but Sovereignనమూనా

Esther: Silent but Sovereign

DAY 30 OF 30

Ten years after the story of Esther finishes, Great King Xerxes was the subject of another assassination attempt, but this one was successful. Xerxes was killed by Artabanus, the commander of the royal bodyguard, and his son Artexerxes succeeded him as king. Nothing more is said about Esther or Mordecai or events in Susa. Eventually, the entire empire collapsed under the rule of Greece. 

But God is still on His throne today and His kingdom is an eternal kingdom. It’s a kingdom that is still growing, as in surprising and unexpected ways He is working to bring people from all around the world to know Him. It‘s a kingdom that will never collapse because when Jesus rose from the dead, He defeated sin and Satan completely and secured our salvation for eternity. 

While we live in this world, we are still affected by and often hurt by the consequences of the fall and by sinful behavior – our own and that of others. But when we reach heaven, our future home, we will see Jesus reigning in majesty and glory. There will be no more suffering, brokenness, tears, arguments, or tragedies. Jesus will be the center of our attention. He will radiate light and beauty, and we will spend eternity in His presence, praising and glorifying Him as we finally see Him as He is. 

Although He’s not mentioned in the book of Esther, it should be Jesus who captures our hearts as we see how the story points to Him as our perfect and eternal savior. The achievements of Esther and Mordecai point ahead to the greater achievements that Jesus’ death and resurrection declare.

  • Esther and Mordecai were used by God to save people from one nation at one time in history. But Jesus saves people from every nation throughout every generation of history.
  • Esther and Mordecai saved people from premature and unjust death. But Jesus saves people from a fully deserved and eternal death.
  • Esther and Mordecai brought peace, for a time, between God’s people and King Xerxes. But Jesus brings peace between God’s people and God Himself for eternity. 

Esther and Mordecai were great examples of godly people, who trusted God and who shone brightly for Him in a dark and ungodly world. But Jesus is our eternal hope of salvation and joy.


How does the book of Esther encourage you to love Jesus more? How does it encourage you to look forward to eternity in heaven?

Day 29

About this Plan

Esther: Silent but Sovereign

As Carolyn Lacey takes us through these 30 undated readings you’ll discover that although God’s name is absent from Esther, He is very much present directing the events that take place for the good of His people. Read through these devotions and be encouraged that even when we feel that God is absent, He is still sovereign, in control and loves His people more actively than we often imagine.
