21 days - Fasting & Prayerనమూనా

21 days - Fasting & Prayer

DAY 1 OF 21


Read Luke 3:21-22 and Luke 4:1-2.

Today is the first day of our 21 days of fasting and prayer. Jesus himself fasted at the beginning of his ministry. We are following him. We want to learn from him and do the same things he did.

Before Jesus went into the time of fasting, he had the reliable assurance of the Father: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22). This is also our basis for every fast. The promise of God's love for you stands firm, and you are standing on that promise. None of your actions will make the Father love you more or love you less.

Your fasting will not increase God's love for you, and should you fail, the Heavenly Father loves you just as much as before.

Fasting is not about earning God's love, but about making time and space for the one who loves you so much. 

Jesus Himself stated that the Father loves us as He loves Jesus. (John. 17:23) What a powerful promise!

When Jesus was fasting in the wilderness, the devil came and began the first temptation with the words "If you are the Son of God...". (Luke 4:3). The little word "if" was a trick of the enemy to challenge the firm promise of God's love. 

At the beginning of this fast, realize that you are God's child and that the Father has promised you his unchanging love. Nothing can separate you from this love. That is your foundation. 

The enemy will always try to rob you of that foundation. When we feel guilty because we have failed or when we have a bad day, we are too quick to project our feelings onto God. 

The Bible tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from us. Consciously position yourself on the promise of God's unchanging love and don't let anything rob you of this certainty.


Father, thank you that you love me as you love Jesus. Thank you that this promise is the foundation on which I stand. I want to know your heart more and more these days. Let me know the breadth and length, depth and height of your love more and more. Help me to quickly expose every lie of the accuser and resist his temptations. This I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen

Next Step:

Is there something that will remind you for the next 21 days that you are loved? Maybe as a symbol, picture, Bible verse on the bathroom mirror, or wallpaper on your smartphone or in your wallet.


Day 2