Biblical Success - Crossing the Finish Line. Our Race Won, What’s Heaven Like?నమూనా

Biblical Success - Crossing the Finish Line. Our Race Won, What’s Heaven Like?

DAY 4 OF 4

If all the sources of death, sorrow, crying, tears, or pain are eliminated and not even possible in heaven, and the curse removed, what will our relationships with others be like? Of course to see our Savior face to face and have the Father wipe away our last tear are enough to rejoice in forever but there is more. Our eternal family! All of us younger brothers or sisters of Jesus! If there are no hurtful things that bring death, sorrow, pain, crying, or tears in our relationships what will there be? There will be love, unconditional love. Agape’ love. Imagine life without day or night or time as we know it, a mansion personally prepared for us by our Lord Jesus, and millions if not billions of brothers and sisters, the ultimate Body of Christ, our eternal family most of whom we have never met on Earth. But who we will have eternity to meet and share the joys of life immersed in unconditional and unlimited love. We’ll share the worship of our Father and Savior Jesus Christ! How different will it be from the best of life we can know on Earth? Imagine this:

You are walking down a street that is pure gold beside a crystal clear river lined with beautiful fruit-bearing trees. There is echoing praise music ringing in your ears, more beautiful than you have ever heard. A figure appears walking towards you. You don’t recognize them and they don’t look like you. Your heart fills with joy as you approach one another! Huge smiles break on your faces! There isn’t even a hint of evaluation or comparison or bias. This is a brother! You freely embrace! “Oh brother, I am so happy to meet you! Who are you and where and how did you meet Jesus!” “Oh,” he says, ‘I am Barnabas, come to my mansion we’ll have tea and I will tell you how a missionary came to the village where I lived and she told my father of the love of Father God and how He sent His Son to save us. My Father believed and he told me. How about you?” he asks. “My Name is Alan and I heard the gospel on television.” Television?” Barnabas” asks, “What is that?” And so it goes, countless times with uncountable other unconditionally loving brothers and sisters living and loving in a place where there is no time, night, or day. A place where competition and comparison, jealousy or envy, or pride or selfishness, or any other hateful or harmful thoughts don’t even exist. No sin, no temptation, nothing that hurts! This is the life that Jesus died to allow us to receive. Yes, life on earth as His Ambassador can give us hints but only hints and shadows compared to the reality we are to know. 

What are your thoughts? Was the tough race worth it?


Day 3

About this Plan

Biblical Success - Crossing the Finish Line. Our Race Won, What’s Heaven Like?

Continuing our examination of life as a Christ-follower using the metaphor of running a race on earth with running the “race of life” of Hebrews 12:1 we will discuss crossing the finish line and entering Heaven. Using Revelation 22,23 and various other resources from scripture we will discuss some of the conditions we will find in Heaven and how they compare with life on earth.
