The In-Between Place: A 7-Day Reading Plan With Kat Armstrongనమూనా

The In-Between Place: A 7-Day Reading Plan With Kat Armstrong

DAY 4 OF 7

Share Your Story with Safe People and with Jesus

It only takes one deep wound from a friend or family member before we start guarding ourselves from future hurts. Whether a parent abandoned or neglected you, a sibling rivalry has ended on non-speaking terms, you’ve suffered a cruel and public breakup, the silent killer of “ghosting” has come for you, or the infidelity of an intimate partner has crushed you, the cuts you bear can’t be healed with a simple Band-Aid. It takes soul work, trust, and long-suffering vulnerability to enjoy ride-or-die friendships after experiencing relational pain. One of the most important ways Jesus changes our stories is through our friends. Don’t forget, Jesus is your friend, too. 

If Jesus were sitting right in front of you, what would you want to tell him about your story? What could you tell him that you’ve told no one? As I think about my own story, my lip starts to quiver and my eyes flood. I tell Jesus often that I miss my dad, and that missing him is so complicated because our relationship was complex.

I take tremendous comfort in the fact that I don’t have to explain myself to Jesus. He gets me because he created me and has been present every moment of my life. Even still, he delights for me to express my whole self to him in a way that I may not be able to do even with my nearest and dearest. 

Jesus can be our closest companion, most trusted advisor, and best friend. As in any other relationship, spending time and talking with him are key to building trust and intimacy. Why not entrust more of yourself to the one person who will always accept you for exactly who you are? Although none of our friends will be perfect like Jesus, practicing friendship in relationship with Jesus prepares us to be better friends and to find safe people to share our stories with. Finding peace in your in-between situation will require as much.


Father, even though you know my story, I know you want to hear my point of view. You are my most faithful friend, Jesus. Help me to confide in you more. Amen.   


Day 3Day 5