Crushing Racism నమూనా

Crushing Racism

DAY 1 OF 5

What Does the Bible Say about Racism?

 In these difficult times we are living in, many voices surround us. Some of the voices express wounds of indescribable pain, resentment, hate, and hopelessness. Other voices are shocked, angry, sad, or express complete powerlessness. Many have joined peaceful protests, desperately trying to have their voices heard. 

I do not know which of these voices you are paying attention to. What I do know is that as Christians, the most important voice we can hear and base our beliefs and opinions on is God’s. What does God say in His Word? How can we think biblically, Christianly, about racism? 

Some days ago, the Lord spoke to me through Paul’s writings to Timothy, his son in the faith. Paul clearly shared this teaching, which the Bible as a whole supports without any shadow of a doubt: In Christ, we are one, and we are a family! Our bonds in Christ are stronger than any biological or other bond that we might have because they are eternal, built on the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 

In light of the biblical teaching that in the body of Christ, we are not mere acquaintances but brothers and sisters, I would like to ask you, “Are you hurting for your African American brothers and sisters in these troubled times? Did you feel pain in your heart when you heard George Floyd saying, ‘Please, I can’t breathe!’? Are you heart-sick?” I truly hope so, because our brothers and sisters are hurting. 

In Romans 12:15, we are instructed to “rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep.” This is the kind of empathy we are called to as part of the body of Christ. In Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 12:26: “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” If you have not yet suffered and wept together with your African-American brothers and sisters, I pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you through this devotional. Consider their pain, listen to their stories, pray, and offer your support.


Heavenly Father, enlighten me to understand that we are one in Christ. Teach me to grow in empathy toward my brothers and sisters who are suffering. I want to honor You by weeping with those who weep, living in harmony and peace with all. May Your love overflow from me to those who are hurt and suffer. 

Day 2

About this Plan

Crushing Racism

The world has no ultimate solution to racism, but we do! The gospel is the only real basis and foundation to end racism. Outside of Christ, we are still in our sin, which causes us to erect barriers; in Christ, they go down and we are reconciled with each other. Discover four biblical arguments that completely demolish racism in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Diversity is our destiny!
