Love IDEAS-Exploring the Heart of Relationshipsనమూనా

Love IDEAS-Exploring the Heart of Relationships

DAY 4 OF 7

Day 4 - The Uniqueness in our Differences

ASK: Ask for God to join you for better understanding the uniqueness of who you are.

READ: Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:18-24, Psalm 139:1-24

DEVOTIONAL: Years ago, my wife was out shopping with our oldest daughter, who at the time was about six years old. My daughter had no filter and was pretty loud in her interactions, which is not necessarily a bad thing but can sometimes catch you by surprise. As my wife and daughter brought their cart up to the checkout, there was a woman in front of them who was very overweight. My daughter, in her naturally loud, proud, and jovial voice, took note of the woman. “Hey mom. Look at that lady.” The woman turned with a slight smile on her face, as if to say “cute kid.” Then our daughter piped up with, “She is really fat!” AWKWARD! The woman’s small smile turned to a scowl directed at my wife. The woman’s face turned red, my wife’s face was red with embarrassment too. Ugh. A very tense moment for all. Then our daughter said in her same loud voice, but even more enthusiastically, “But God makes everyone special, doesn’t He mom?!” That statement changed the entire interaction. It was almost as if God Himself had come down to save us all in that situation. 

In the April 2019 edition of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Journal there was an article, “Sex differences in the functional connectivity during fetal brain development,” wherein the authors conclude that sexual dimorphism in functional brain systems emerges during human gestation. Sexual dimorphism is the condition whereby the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics beyond just the differences in their sexual organs. The study found that it is apparent that from the womb, the development of the male and female brain is functionally different. 

Like Bill and Pam Farrel said in the video clip, God has made us all unique in our personalities as man and woman, which fascinates us, but can also frustrate us. John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, talks about the chemical and neurological differences between men and women, which makes each of us special and drives the way we think and act. Genetic and other scientific research continues to find evidence of dimorphism, which confirms God’s record of the creation of man and woman in the Bible. It really is one of those things where 1+1=3! God has made us all in His image, but created the sexes very different and unique, to be compatible - on purpose!      

WRITE: Write down the things that make you unique. Write down the things that make your spouse, partner, family member or friend unique. What is it that you noticed in that person that makes them special? Make a point to sit down and tell them why you think they are special. 

MEDITATE: Pray for peace over your relationships. Pray that God would show you how to best be a positive influence on the people around you. Pray against any critical or negative spirit. Ask God to reveal to you the ways that He made you and how you can bless others with your gifts.

Day 3Day 5