Is Jesus Something More?నమూనా

Is Jesus Something More?

DAY 3 OF 7

Jesus Lives 

The life of Jesus is unique because he was fully God and fully man. We affirm he is God but never at the expense of affirming he is also man. Only because Jesus shared wholly in our humanity is he able to be our perfect priest (one who mediates between God and man) and our pattern for life.

Was Jesus human or “Superhuman”?

The Bible declares that Jesus came to us, as one of us, human in every way. He didn’t transcend the ordinary, daily living, but shared our complete human experience. Jesus was born a baby, grew in all aspects, and died. He experienced childhood’s weaknesses, puberty’s confusion, and adulthood’s frustrations. He hungered, thirsted, and fatigued. He wept, loved, and laughed. He even learned obedience through suffering and temptation.

If Jesus was superhuman you could admire him, but never emulate him. That’s why the Bible makes it so clear that Jesus chose to live entirely within his humanity (with exceptions like forgiving sin and receiving worship) as the true human who exemplified the Spirit-empowered life. He identified with us in every respect, yet remained sinless as he submitted himself to the Father’s will and the Spirit’s leading.

The significance of Jesus’ humanity for believers:

  1. Jesus mediates for you as your priest—He “gets” you. He understands the limitations of a fallen body, the sting of injustice, the loss of loved ones, the abandonment and betrayal by friends, and the full weight of temptation (having never enjoyed the momentary pleasure/release you experience when sinning). He partook of everything you endure to be your priest. You can run to Jesus in your hour of trial and temptation knowing that he lives to mediate for you and pour out mercy upon you.
  2. Jesus shows you how to live as your example—He exemplifies the possibilities of a Spirit-filled life. He didn’t “cheat” as a human by relying on his divinity to overcome Satan and sin. His life resulted from walking in radical dependence on the Spirit (the same Spirit believers have access to!) in full submission to the Father. If you call Jesus Savior, you must now follow him as Lord and example. Begin to live the way Jesus lived by daily submitting to the Father’s will and the Spirit’s leading.


  1. How does Jesus’ humanity encourage/convict you?
  2. Why does Jesus’ victorious life seem different from yours?


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Is Jesus Something More?

One man’s life changed the course of history for billions across the globe. Who is this man and what difference does it make? This seven-day devotional explores the life of Jesus Christ and explains why understanding his identity is central to understanding yours. This discipleship tool will enable you to better understand and articulate your faith in Jesus and equip you to walk non-believers through a clear gospel message. 
