Romans: Theology for Everybody (1-5)నమూనా

Romans: Theology for Everybody (1-5)

DAY 11 OF 16

We all understand the concept of a prototype. When something is to be done over and over, great effort is made to ensure that the first one is done right so that it can serve as the pattern. When it comes to living by faith, our prototype is Abraham. The way Abraham was saved is the same way we all are, not by being a good person or doing the right things, but by admitting he was a bad person doing the wrong things and trusting in God alone to fix the mess he’d made. 

Here is a list of examples where God made a promise, and Abraham responded in faith:

1. God’s Promise – Abraham would be a great nation, blessed, with a great name, a blessing to all nations of the earth, protected by God (Genesis 12:1-3).

Abraham’s Faith Response – At 75 years of age, without any children He did as God said and moved to a new land God prepared for him (12:4-5).

2. God’s Promise – Abraham’s seed would be given a land by God (12:7).

Abraham’s Faith Response – Abraham built an altar to worship God (12:7).

3. God’s Promise – Abraham would have numerous descendants and a land (13:15-17).

Abraham’s Faith Response – Abraham moved and built an altar to worship God (13:18).

4. God’s Promise – Abraham would have a son and numerous offspring (15:4-5).

Abraham’s Faith Response – Abraham believed God (15:6).

5. God’s Promise – At 99 years of age God again promised Abraham he would be the father of many nations (17:1-8). Abraham’s male descendants were to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant (the shedding of male blood pointed to Jesus) (17:9- 14). All of this would happen through Sarah within a year (17:17-22). Abraham’s Faith Response – Abraham was 99 years old, believed God, and circumcised himself and all the men in his household (17:23-27).

Because God is faithful, we should have faith in Him. Abraham was 100 years old when his wife Sarah gave birth miraculously to a son, 25 years after God made His promise (21:1-7) because God is faithful.



  • We can only have a relationship with Jesus Christ because of the blessing of being forgiven by God. Who do you need to forgive that has sinned against you and give that same gift to them from God? 
  • Since faith comes before the sign of faith, is there anything you need to do if you are a Christian to publicly testify to your faith (e.g. get baptized, partake in communion, raise your hands and voice in worship at church, etc.)?


Day 10Day 12