Bold Prayersనమూనా

Bold Prayers

DAY 7 OF 7

Set Apart And Sent Off

If you’re reading day seven of a Bible Plan about dangerous prayers, chances are you used to be worse off at some point in your life. You can probably identify with the old hymn lyrics, “I once was lost, but now am found.” You probably wholeheartedly believe that He has washed you clean of your sin and shame, that He’s restored you and set you apart. You probably even know what the terms “sanctified” and “consecrated” mean.

Yesterday, we read Isaiah 6:8. Today, let’s look at what happened before Isaiah was commissioned by God. In verses 1-7, Isaiah described seeing the Lord and His angels in a temple. Wait, what? Yes. Incredible, right? Isaiah’s response was to basically say, “Wait a second. I don’t deserve to be seeing this. I have unclean lips.” Just then, one of the angels brought a hot coal to his lips and told him he was now clean. What happened next? Isaiah 6:8 happened next. After his lips were cleaned up, set apart, consecrated, God then asked him to be His messenger. See where we’re going? When we’re saved, cleaned up, found, and set apart, it’s for a reason. God doesn’t set us apart to be a trophy on a shelf, or to get stale in a corner, or to be a weird loner. God sets us apart to send us somewhere we couldn’t have gone with the crowd.

What did God do for you? How do you think it sets you up for what He wants you to do for Him? Let’s collectively leave the safe life in our rear-view mirrors. Let’s ask God to search us, break us, and send us. Let’s realize there’s nothing in us He doesn’t already know about. Let’s fix our eyes on our broken-open need for a Lord and savior. And, let’s get going because He set us apart to send us off.

Pray: Holy Spirit, here I am. Send me.

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Day 6