Pathway to Peaceనమూనా

Pathway to Peace

DAY 1 OF 14


Recognize It  

Capping off an already packed day, I rushed from the airline club toward my gate to catch an early-evening flight.  Somehow, I happened upon a sober moment and realized I had plenty of time.  Boarding was still 30 minutes out and my gate was nearby, but I was moving at a frenetic pace.  Frenetic had become ordinary and I knew it wasn’t healthy or right. 

I purposefully hit pause as I passed gate A-23 and whispered a short prayer.  I forced myself to stop and breathe, and then gazed out the terminal window to simply take in the world around me as a relative calm replaced incessant mind chatter.  As I resumed my walk at a more life sustaining pace, I felt a sense of well-being, like waking up and feeling better after being ill.

God’s design for us is much closer to strolling beside still waters than frenetic – not stress free, but more along the lines of a peace that endures.  We encounter many stories of great Biblical characters like Moses, David, and Paul who endured immense challenges where stress became a major factor, yet God imparted His peace amidst these tremendous storms.

It’s no different today.  God’s desire is to deliver us, and He will.  But the path to peace first requires recognizing our stress and choosing to overcome it.  If frenetic has become ordinary, if your mind constantly buzzes, or if you constantly rush, excessively multi-task, can’t slow down, can’t sleep, or frequently feel fatigued, you’re probably suffering from stress.   

When we purposefully seek to conquer stress, and wrap our effort in Biblical principles and truth, we begin to experience peace that is steady, and that endures long days and stormy nights.  It’s a transformational journey with tentacles that reach every aspect of our lives.  With God at the center (more later), we form a divine companionship and a solid foundation for change.  We emerge with greater peace, ready to serve and experience life as God desires.

What are some of the signs of stress in your life? What effect would greater peace have on you and your loved ones right now?

Footnote:  Conquering stress may warrant the partnership of a qualified counseling professional to help you navigate some of the deeper waters of this journey, especially if you are depressed or believe you are suffering from anxiety.  In fact depending on your circumstances, you may benefit from asking a professional if you can benefit from medication designed to help you work through depression and/or anxiety.  Be attentive to the fact that some medications are addictive and there may be non-addictive alternatives your physician and psychologist can recommend.  

Day 2