Biblical Leadership – Success as a Christ-Centered Leaderనమూనా

Biblical Leadership – Success as a Christ-Centered Leader

DAY 6 OF 6

There is Hope.

No matter how difficult the challenge of living out your faith as Christ-centered leaders in whatever organization you find yourself, you can be sure of two things:

1) There will be challenge. 

No matter how much you pray, how much encouragement you receive from fellow believers, or how determined you may be, there will be difficulty ahead. Jesus promised this:

Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.  – John 15:20

In addition, read this from the Apostle Paul:

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted – 2 Timothy 3:12

Difficulties surely lie ahead, but just as God promised Joshua, God will be with you (Joshua 1:9). 

In addition, if you don’t know what to do, just ask and God will give you the insights you need (James 1:5).

Secondly, know this:

2) God can still use us, no matter what.

The Bible is chock full of examples of men & women used by God to fulfill His purposes in their leadership, despite their own failings or shortcomings. Similarly, God can use even you, no matter how weak, timid, or incapable you think you are.

Moses offers a first-class example of someone trying to avoid an assignment from God. Check what Moses tells God as he tries to get out of his assignment:

  1. Who am I to do this job? You must have the wrong man! (Exodus 3:11)
  2. I don’t know what to say (3:13)
  3.  They might not believe me anyway (4:1)
  4.  I’m not a good public speaker (4:10)
  5.  No thanks, please send someone else (4:13)

Wow! Moses sure tried hard not to accept his assignment, didn’t he?

On top of that, this conversation with God took place after Moses had already run away from his prior problems – having killed an Egyptian when he was an adopted member of Pharaoh’s household (Exodus 2:11-15). Not a good start!

Even so, God used Moses to rescue the nation of Israel, and make him one of the greatest leaders of all time.

Or how about the Apostle Paul? He started as a rising star in the company of Pharisees. As he says himself, he was a “Hebrew of Hebrews” and a Pharisee with a faultless righteousness (Philippians 3:4-6).

Paul was up-and-coming among the Pharisees, persecuting the church with zeal. But that changed when he met Jesus, and the energy formerly working against the new church and God’s Kingdom was repurposed for good.

Paul changed from church-persecutor & Christian-killer to church-planter & life-giver! Imagine the stress of that transformation!

But what about you? 

Can God use you as a Christ-centered leader to bless others? And can He do this despite your failings, your uncertainty, or if you’re heading in the wrong direction?

The answer for each of us is a resounding YES.

Just as God used Moses, Paul and countless others to advance His Kingdom through their leadership on earth, He uses you also.

It’s just as the Apostle Paul says:

I can do all this through him [Jesus Christ] who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13

Reflection / Application

1. Have you already known God calling you to do something, but then backed out? What was that, and why did you not follow through?

2. Moses negotiated hard with God to try and get out of his assignment. Have you ever done that?

3. Paul changed course by 180 degrees. What gave him the strength and courage to do that? Is that strength and courage also available to you today? How will you access those? 

Day 5