Making Decisions In Uncertainty నమూనా

Making Decisions In Uncertainty

DAY 1 OF 6

How You Treat People Matters In The Decision-Making Process.

I read the news article and started sweating. 

These are my options for schooling my children next year? This is the “plan”? What in the world? Is there any other possible way? I was starting to become annoyed and frustrated and overwhelmed. My flesh wanted to blame others and be angry, especially at “whoever was in charge.” Entitlement had reared its ugly head and it was not pretty. But thankfully the Spirit whispered, “They are doing the best they can.” 

Dang. It’s true. They are. 

And don’t I want that same grace? 

Yes. Yes I do. 

I want others to say of me that I am doing the best I can with what I’ve got. 

Are you living this out? Are you kind and gracious towards the ones who give you  information that causes you to make a choice? Do you assume the best in that individual? Do you feel your defenses rise or fall toward that person or group? 

Sometimes our options for making decisions come top down and often from people we do not personally know. And because of this, we are tempted to see them as props, not people. But how we treat others matters in the middle of making hard decisions. It’s not just about the decision-making itself. It never is. It’s about loving God and loving others as we make that decision. In every single possible corner of our life, Jesus says following Him means to deny ourselves (our rights, our privilege, our entitlement) and to take up our cross. As well, when asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus answered: to love God and to love others. 

Today, as we are facing a hard decision, let’s pull back the lens and gain perspective. This is not just about the decision in front of us; it’s about the souls in front of us. It’s about loving God in this space, acting in loving ways towards other human beings, refraining from complaining and grumbling, and doing so all with a humble heart. The people who have delivered the information are precious to God. Every last one of them. He made them and loves them. We cannot throw rocks at God’s precious people. 

God calls us to be humble, gracious, and kind to others. Grace must be the blanket that wraps around any decision-making process. Whether or not you personally know those giving out the information—give them grace. They are doing the best they can. So are you. 

God, help me to see each person in this process as who they are: precious and loved and created by You. Help me to be full of grace and compassion even in the face of my flesh. Forgive me for the ways I have complained and thrown rocks at others. Free me from myself and my fears and my judgement and help me to receive your grace so I can give it. 

Day 2