The Grace Giverనమూనా

The Grace Giver

DAY 1 OF 7

Day One: The Unexpected but Awaited Savior

What is the longest you waited for something? Perhaps you waited for a new job, a spouse, a community of friends, or a good health report longer than expected. Waiting can make our hearts ache, especially when we don’t know how long it will last.

The last prophet to speak to the Israelites was Malachi, who told them that God would send a Savior to make things right. Then they waited on Jesus for 400 years, during which time they experienced exile, famine, war, and moving in and out of the land God had promised them. During this time, God was silent and did not send a prophet to guide them. They confused God’s laws and were divided into religious groups, all with different ideas about the awaited Messiah and how to live a life pleasing to God.

As the Jewish nation struggled to be unified, the Romans treated the people harshly. They groaned for a Deliverer who would be victorious over their enemy. David had defeated Goliath with only a sling and a stone. Surely the Messiah would take down the Romans!

It’s likely that Peter never expected to meet the Messiah in his lifetime, let alone become one of his closest friends! Similarly, we simply can’t fathom all that God has planned for us.

The Messiah was not what the people—including Peter—were expecting. God chose an ordinary family and a humble birth for Jesus when Israel was awaiting a great and mighty king. He called out the religious leaders, formed community with sinners, and chose ordinary men to be His disciples. Everything He said and did was counter-intuitive.

Jesus wanted to show that God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of reversals. That’s what makes it so incredible. It is good news to those who need it most! He took on life as a human being in order to save us through His own grace because we cannot earn salvation on our own. As we enter Peter’s story, we will see how this acceptance of grace is often the hardest lesson to learn.

Reflection: Have you ever been surprised or disappointed because your expectations for a new season of life were unmet or misguided? How did you respond?

Prayer: “Lord, help us to be patient and faithful as we wait on You. I trust your timing is best for my life. Amen.”


Day 2