Dream Big with Bob Goffనమూనా

Dream Big with Bob Goff

DAY 2 OF 7

If you want a way to jump-start your ideas, do the things that Jesus said really mattered to Him. Start with hungry people, then move on to thirsty people, sick people, strange people, naked people, and people in jail. You won’t always know when someone is hungry, but they are everywhere. Naked people are a little more scarce, but you’ll know when you’ve found them. Add widows and orphans if you have the opportunity. God’s list for you might be longer, but I promise it won’t be any shorter.

Let’s say one of your ambitions is to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Most people would say the same, including me. But if you want to set yourself up to make some headway toward this beautiful ambition, you’ll need to get more specific. Ask yourself what would make you feel happy and fulfilled. Would getting a puppy do the trick? How about two? Do you want to win a million dollars? Sign me up. Or would you feel even happier and more fulfilled giving away two million dollars? Sign me up for that one too. Do you want to be famous? If so, how famous and famous to whom? Do you want to be rich in friendships or in your retirement account? And how will you know when you’re famous or rich enough? Figure out your metrics. Do you want your picture on a box of cereal? On a custom Nike shoe? On a wanted poster at the post office? Or would a small picture in your beloved’s wallet be enough?

If you’re like me, when you look at your list, you get goose bumps and want to do 1,000 push-ups and give high fives to everyone within a square mile. That’s the point! When you start to acknowledge and name the ambitions that are rumbling around inside you, they open up a new vista of what life was meant to be—full of passion and purpose. 

Day 1Day 3