Immune to Fear Week 5నమూనా

Immune to Fear  Week 5

DAY 3 OF 7

 The Long Arm of the Lord 

  My friend, no matter how daunting your problem or need may seem right now, be assured that in reality, it is a small matter of very little true significance. Why should the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, eternal God intervene in our affairs of such utter triviality? Because God uses our lives as a platform from which He desires to receive praise and glory. From the day we are born until the day we die, our lives exist for one reason — to glorify God. 

Take for example Peter's imprisonment in Acts Chapter 12. It was a crisis that could have ended in catastrophe or victory. To the believers gathered in Mary's house praying for his release, their primary concerns were most likely immediate. They were frightened that they would lose the great apostle who was also their friend and leader. They were probably empathetic with Peter's suffering and the brutal execution he was facing. But there was a more enduring matter at stake — the eternal glory of God. The intercessors probably had no idea that through their prayers God would unleash His power in an extraordinary way that would be a testimony to many generations — including ours. How many thousands have been inspired by this amazing story of Peter’s supernatural escape from prison? Yet, it might have been a tragic tale lost to history had it not been for the prayers of those few fervent prayer warriors standing in the gap. 

God is primarily concerned with receiving glory from our lives. Perhaps the daunting circumstances you are facing are just a platform from which God desires to demonstrate a mighty miracle to an unbelieving world! 

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” (2 Chronicle 16:9a) 

He wants to receive glory through your sickness. He wants to receive praise through your financial emergency. He wants to receive honor through your family situation. Call upon the Lord! Inquire of Him. Ask Him what He thinks and desires. Don't lean on the arm of the flesh. Don’t deprive Him of the opportunity to be your "very present help in trouble." Come to Him with the situation you are facing today, and He will display His glory in and through your life! 

Friend, it's time to pray. There is nothing too difficult for the omnipresent Holy Spirit. Isaiah 59:1 says, "The Lord's arm is not so short that he cannot save". 

Although Peter was imprisoned on the other side of town, through prayer in the name of Jesus, the physical chains on his hands were loosed and all barriers were removed. When you pray, you have the power to bring deliverance to the oppressed. You can have a real impact that reaches to the ends of the earth without ever even leaving home. What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven — what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. No door, no chain, no barrier, and no distance are too great for the long arm of the Lord!

Source: (Unlocking the Miraculous. Through Faith and Prayer. Prayer Matters.) 


Day 2Day 4