Living Fearlessనమూనా

Living Fearless

DAY 3 OF 5

Face Everything And Rise

I love this acronym for fear and have it written on my desk at home: Face Everything And Rise. 

This statement speaks of using fear, not being used by it.

 1. Face it.

To face something means not backing down, not trying to avoid it, but confronting the situation face to face. If we try to shy away, it will still have power over us. Jesus didn’t go through what he went through to let anything have power over us. When He ascended to Heaven, He left the Holy Spirit with us to empower us over the powers that seek to take us out. Face your fear. Step up and face it, knowing Christ has gone before you, all of Heaven is behind you, and the Holy Spirit is within you!

2. Everything.

Everything? Everything! Whatever is holding you back, face it boldly. Be raw, be real. The extent of your breakthrough is in direct correlation to your transparency and awareness of what's keeping you bound. If you are letting fear hold you back from diving in and revealing what you are afraid of, that grip will continue to constrain and keep you bound. Face Everything.

3. And. 

And what? This is the hinge of the statement. Once we face it we must make a move. We have identified our fear and gotten clarity and now we...

4. Rise. 

Rise above it, knowing that because Christ has risen, we too can rise. When Jesus rose and claimed all authority, He gave it to us. The book of Acts tells us that when The Holy Spirit comes on us we will receive power. And in Romans 8 we are told that the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in us! There is a power within us to rise above everything that seeks to come against us and God’s will in our life. We activate it by facing the circumstance and not submitting to it.

Ask God to reveal everything that is blocking you so you can take the authority you’ve been given.  


Thank You, Jesus, that You faced everything to set me free and that the power that resurrected You now lives in me. Heavenly Father, I ask You to reveal to me what holds me back from the freedom You have given. I rebuke the excuses and make a commitment to face everything. Holy Spirit, I receive Your power to come into me and strengthen me to take authority in my life over fear and rise above to fulfill the purpose I am called to. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Day 2Day 4