The Power Of Love నమూనా

The Power Of Love

DAY 2 OF 5

The Key to Unspeakable Joy:

Not only does God’s love take away all fear, it can replace anxiety with unspeakable joy. When we truly understand God’s love toward us then we can live in the power of love.

I’ve seen the power of this before.

At the end of last year my paternal grandfather unexpectedly passed away. One evening I was reminiscing about my pappy and I told my husband I’d never seen him upset.

I couldn’t remember a time when he didn’t have a smile on his face.

One of the most striking things to me was that he definitely had things he could complain about! Like the fact that he was partially blind or that his bride wasn’t in the best physical condition. Yet every time I talked to him I always heard him say “God is AWESOME!”

So how did he find this unending joy in his life?


When my husband and I first got together, I’ll be honest I wasn’t sure how my family would react. I grew up in a predominantly white area and my soon to be husband was black. 

My pappy didn’t bat an eye for one second. He immediately embraced him into our family. This is just one example, of thousands, where he loved others without abandon.

So what does all of this have to do with JOY!?

I believe the secret to finding this kind of overflowing joy is to follow the two commandments given by Jesus.

What are the two commandments? 

Matthew 22:36-39 (NIV):

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

When we put God first and truly love one another that's when the fruit of joy manifests itself in our lives.

Joy that comes from heaven. Joy that this world can't take away.

For when your heart is focused on love....fear, worry and criticism fade away. 

A critical spirit cannot remain when love overflows in your heart.

Loving one another is a beautiful symphony. For when we do this, that’s when God’s perfect love is brought to completion in us. 

Do you want the fruit of joy in your life? Start loving God and loving others.

Take Action:

Today has two action steps. Number one: Take an honest look at your heart. Are there people you need to forgive? Or you need to make amends with? Create an action plan and ask God for help in this healing process. Number two: What can you do today to bless someone else? How can you share love with another person?  


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