Workplace Wisdom: Communicationనమూనా

Workplace Wisdom:  Communication

DAY 2 OF 5

 Workplace Wisdom:  Communication, Part II 

There’s a child’s book called, The Big Fat Lie, that I used to read to our kids. It is a cute story of a little boy who desires something his mother has denied him. 

A colorful skinny creature convinces this boy that he can get his desire with just a little fib. Soon the fib unravels, and a bigger creature appears with a strategy on how to cover-up the fib with a bigger lie. The cover-ups eventually become so ridiculous that the story unravels, leaving the boy far worse off than before!

Proverbs 19:5 teaches, “A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free.”

In business, cover-ups often end with worse consequences than the original lie. Before covering up your lies, pause to consider the consequences.


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