Fully Alive Livingనమూనా

Fully Alive Living

7 యొక్క 2

Above All Else

Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it."

The phrase “above all else” is very clear in its distinction. Above your family, above your job, above your church or any other responsibilities we are to guard our heart. But what does it look like practically to guard our hearts above all else?

Some can see this and immediately picture a fortress built up to protect. Others visualize a shield, as in the armor of God. But guarding our heart is a simple act of obedience to the Word of God and His truths laid out for us above everything else. 

The scriptures that follow directly after Proverbs 4:23 clearly tells us how to do this. 

  • Watch what you say (v24)
  • Watch where you look (v25)
  • Watch where you step (v26)

As believers, we are responsible for the words that come out of our mouth. The Bible says from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. (LUKE 6:45) We are also instructed to think before we speak. (James 1:9) To guard our hearts we must guard our words. 

Where you fix your eyes is where you will lean. It’s no secret that when you’re driving a vehicle you will swerve in the direction of wherever your eyes are focused. The same is true in life. As you go throughout your day whatever you are focused on becomes your focus. If you are focused on your fears, your fears become your main focus. If you are looking for God in the midst of your day, you will find HIM. Many times, where we focus, we will multiply. Let’s multiply light, not darkness. To guard our hearts, we must guard where we are looking. 

Where you step determines your direction. His Word will show us where to go. If we are constantly chasing worldly desires or letting our emotions call the shots, then we will feel dazed and confused running from here to there. But when we look to Him, His word says He will make our path straight. We are responsible for taking the next step. We get to trust Him and His Word. To guard our hearts, we must walk in step with Him, His ways and His will. 

Above all else, where do you need to guard what you say, where you look or where you step? 

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ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

Fully Alive Living

Have you ever wondered if you’re truly living Fully Alive? We long to be free from anxiety, worry, troubles from our past and the fears for our future. Fully Alive living is a life full of transparency, vulnerability, truth, grace, and forgiveness. When we live FULLY ALIVE, we can receive God’s love, believe God’s Word, obey Him no matter the cost and freely be who God created us to be.
