Is Healing the Will of God?నమూనా

Is Healing the Will of God?

DAY 4 OF 5

“No matter how much I wish or ask, what happens is only your will, Lord.”

“Lord, whatever is happening in my life is your will. It’s happening because it is your will.”

These statements sound so spiritual, humble, and so ‘Christian’ that we may blindly accept these statements as truth. But are they truth?

The Bible states that sexual immorality is against the will of God and yet, isn't there sexual immorality in the world? In the church? Yes, there is. The Bible says that when you look at a woman in lust, you have already committed adultery in your heart. Sexual immorality is everywhere. Now, if everything that happens is according to the will of God, why does sexual immorality happen? It clearly is not the will of God?

The Bible also says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” But how many of us complain? God, why this job? Father, why is my skin this color? Is complaining the will of God? No! So, according to popular Christian statements this shouldn't happen. But it does. Why? Because you can choose your will.

God's will is for the whole world to be saved. That's why Jesus died for the whole world. Is the whole world going to be saved? Unfortunately, no! Some choose in their free will not to receive salvation. God never forces His will into our lives. He is a gentleman. He won't come in unless he's invited in. He waits for us to accept his will. God did not want Adam to eat the fruit fo that forbidden tree, yet Adam ate of it. It was God's will for Moses to go into the promised land, but Moses did something that cancelled that will.

Those statements are blatantly wrong. They are statements of ignorance, lack of knowledge, and worse yet, they have misled many Christians to believe that sickness is the will of God. Many believe that God's will is to kill people through sickness, disease, and accidents to teach a lesson. NO! A thousand times no! These statements are wrong, my friend. God's will is to give life, not take it. God's will is to heal, not kill.

Clearly, not all of God's plans are taking shape because of the dominion of the devil on earth. But you are redeemed from that dominion; you are seated with Christ at the right hand of God. It's time you stand and kick the devil in the teeth and tell him to get out of your life and your loved one's life. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER. There is power in the name of Jesus. And at His name, every sickness shall bow and we shall ARISE!! For we are the children of God, heirs of the highest.

The moment somebody says, "If it is the will of God, it will happen," they aren't taking responsibility for their decisions. It is the will of God for us to wear helmets, to obey the law of our land. Yet, some say, “If God wills that I should live, I’ll live anyway. When I should die, I will die.” God won't force us to wear a helmet. He will let us enjoy our hairstyle with two side mirrors on our faces. We can't refuse to wear helmets, break our heads, and then blame God for not protecting us. That's just foolishness; we haven't taken responsibility for our actions. That’s why you can’t say if it is God's will, it will happen. That statement is wrong! We can override the will of God. We can say, "Lord I know it is your will that I should not sin, but I’m still going to do it." It’s our choice.

If it is the will of God for some of us to be sick so that we can learn a lesson, then let's not go to the hospital. Because if we do, we're working against the will of God. Let's be sick, let's suffer, let's not take medication. If you believe it is the will of God for you to be sick and you want to do the will of God, don’t ask for prayer. 

Have you comprehended the gravity of the confusion the devil has put on the children of God? God's will is for us to be healed--all of us, not a person is left out. Jesus healed everyone that came to him for healing. He healed every single one. The only place he ‘couldn't’ heal was in a place where people didn't believe. Our faith empowers God, our belief drives God. Do you believe that God can heal you and wants to heal you? Then go take what belongs to you, my friend. Take the healing God has provided for you. Speak it into existence. Call the things which aren't as though they are! Stand on the Word!

The belief that, "If it is His will, it will happen" is a myth. We have to make it happen!

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Is Healing the Will of God?

In this plan Pastor Sarat Yellasiri unfolds Scripture to bring you clarity and assurance about Biblical promises for healing. There has been much confusion about sickness and healing. This Bible plan aims to bring sharpness and clarity to your heart so that you can walk in the fullness of the promise with no doubt whatsoever. Learn to stand boldly and confidently in the Word of God.
