Isaiah's Legacyనమూనా

Isaiah's Legacy

DAY 2 OF 7

DAY TWO: Unchained Worship

Idols were much easier to define in King Manasseh’s time than they are in our lives today, but they still exist.

It’s All About Worship

Today, some religions continue to use physical statues or tokens in worship, but Yahweh prohibited the creation of any object of worship when He gave the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai.

  • How does the first commandment (20:3) differ from the second (20:4-6)? 
  • Why is this distinction made? 
  • How do these commands apply to us today?

The Old Testament is full of stories about God’s people who disobeyed the first two commandments, choosing to worship created things instead of the all-powerful Creator. Worship simply means assigning worth. 

We assign the one, true God worth above all else by daily elevating Him to the most important place in our lives. When our thoughts, words, and deeds are consumed by something else, we’ve assigned worth to those things rather than God—and are worshipping them “above/before Him” (20:3).

From Darkness to Light

Is there something you’ve created with your hands—your job, your home, maybe even your reputation—that has become an idol? Wealth, accolades, skill or talent, relationships, success, comfort, power, worry, control—all can become idols if they unseat God from unchallenged Motivator of our hearts. 

Spend some time asking God to reveal the lies (idols) we’ve given too much worth. Take time to list them.

From Manasseh to the Cross

Manasseh spent most of his life refusing to worship the God of his forefather, King David, and he nearly destroyed his kingdom. Jesus, also a descendant of David, now reigns over an even greater Kingdom, and through faith in Him, all who believe can live victoriously, rooting out the idols He revealed in your heart.

Idols sneak in, becoming “lords” that chain us. That voice saying, “If you aren’t the best, you’ll lose your job,” makes us excel at work but leaves little time for God. Thoughts like “Good parents give their kids the best of everything” model for our kids a value on things rather kingdom commodities. 

Continue to let God search your heart and reveal those velvet chains of deceptive lords. Rely on the power of Jesus to return your heart to unchained worship, assigning to God alone the worth He deserves.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Isaiah's Legacy

Mesu Andrews, best-selling author of Isaiah’s Legacy, joins Bible teacher Shawna Duvall to explore the life of Manasseh. When Manasseh was taken captive by the Assyrians, he turned to Yahweh and ran into His open arms of redemption. Through Manasseh’s journey, we’ll discover Who Yahweh is and the crimson thread connecting Manasseh to Jesus. By exploring the chains binding Judah’s most notorious king, we’ll learn to live in unchained freedom.
