How to Pray for Children in Poverty: 5 Prayers నమూనా

How to Pray for Children in Poverty: 5 Prayers

DAY 5 OF 5

Pray for Knowledge

We trust God when we know him. As we grow to know him more, we can rest in his goodness, even when we don’t understand the circumstances. Just like parents want their children to trust them as loving parents, we can trust our heavenly Father to always do what is right.

In our verse from 1 John today, John is warning us not to love the world. The things of the world are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Those things don’t come from God.

John is warning that the end is near, but those who are children of God know the truth and are not to be led astray by the world.

Let’s pray for children in poverty. May God help them see his truth, gain his knowledge and not be pulled away by things of the world. May God make their ways straight so they walk in his truth.

Suggested Prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I ask that you fill the hearts of children living in extreme poverty. I ask that they hear your voice calling them out of hopelessness and despair toward your great love. Equip them with your knowledge and empower them with your wisdom to break the cycle of poverty in their lives.

Help them say no to the things of the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Help them say yes to you and the things that bring you glory.

May you help them see your truth and gain your knowledge. May you make their way straight so they are walking in your truth. Amen.”

Scripture: 1 John 2:20; Psalms 5:8


Day 4