7 Days To Becoming A More Generous Personనమూనా

7 Days To Becoming A More Generous Person

DAY 1 OF 7

What does it mean to be generous?

We should live more simply and give more generously because Heaven is our home. The single greatest deterrent to giving and to living more simply is the illusion that this world is our home. — Randy Alcorn

The principle of generosity is laced all throughout Scripture. In fact, we have the best model and mentor when it comes to generosity — God. He sent His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins so that we could spend eternity with Him. That is the epitome of generosity. In order to learn how to live generously, we must grasp what it means.

The word generous is defined as:

  • Open in giving or sharing
  • Willing to give help or support
  • Unselfish

Generous living is a lifestyle where we are others-focused. It’s not a one size fits all concept and is not limited to the wealthy, the gifted, the beautiful, or the lucky. It’s a journey of our hearts being transformed from “What can I get?” to “What can I give?” It’s allowing God to cultivate a generous heart within us. Much like worship, generosity is the disposition of our hearts. 

Psalm 24:1 says that “the earth is the LORD’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it…” We think of ourselves as owners. And in our society, that may be true. We own a home, a car, or a pair of shoes. But in God’s economy, everything belongs to Him. He is the owner, and we are the stewards. And the people who steward well often are entrusted with more to steward well. It doesn’t matter how much we have; it matters what we do with what we’re given. It’s seeing everything we have as a gift from God. And when we do that, our mindsets switch from “This is mine” to “I’d love to share.

Over the next six days of this Bible Plan, we’ll discover that generous living goes way beyond impacting our personal finances. We’ll also learn how we can donate our time, gifts, talents, words, and possessions to make someone else’s life better. 


  • When was the last time you displayed a generous spirit toward someone?
  • Take some time now to analyze how you view the things God has blessed you with. Do you see them as gifts from God or as accomplishments and possessions you’ve earned?
  • What is one barrier that stands in your way from being more generous? 
Day 2

About this Plan

7 Days To Becoming A More Generous Person

Generous living isn’t just about the acts we do—it’s a heart we allow God to cultivate within us. It is a journey of the heart and seeing everything we have as a gift from God. In this Bible Plan, we’ll discover that generous living goes way beyond our personal finances— it’s an others-focused lifestyle we live.
