30 Days Of Emotional Healthనమూనా

30 Days Of Emotional Health

DAY 22 OF 30

My failures weighed me down like a suffocating blanket. Others appeared better than me. Accusations bombarded my mind:

“You’ve wasted your life!”

“You call yourself a Christian; look at all the people you’ve ignored!”

“What do you have to show for yourself?”

One day as I was getting into my car, I felt overwhelmed with negativity. Then, a song came to mind describing how God, within me, is greater than he who lives in the world (1 John 4:4). I turned on the car and those exact lyrics were playing on the radio!

Later that day, as I shared my struggles with a friend, she said, regarding my negative thoughts, “That’s the enemy! God doesn’t talk to us like that.”

A light came on and I remembered the words from the song. I was under attack. Our enemy, Satan, was filling my heart with accusations. Yet, I knew, “The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7b). In fact, according to Ephesians 1, in Christ, I’m chosen, blessed, loved, and lavished with grace!

I wish I could say I had victory from then on, but the enemy doesn’t take a vacation. He looks for an opportune time, then strikes. He mixes in enough truth to discourage us and make us feel defeated. It’s true that I struggle with pride, selfishness, laziness, and jealousy. But, I’m no longer under condemnation! (Rom. 8:32). I always have the grace of Jesus. When I fail, I confess and ask for His help. God never prompts me to give up because of my sin.

He calls me to repent and keep going.

The Holy Spirit will convict us of a specific sin and call us to change, but He doesn’t oppress us with guilt or condemnation. In fact, Romans 8:1 promises us that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Therefore, when God reveals an area in need of growth or change, we humble ourselves, confess, and move on in joy.

Are your thoughts condemning you? Call out to Jesus, confess, and move on. Resist the lies that seek to defeat you.

~Susan Aken

Writer, blogger


Day 21Day 23

About this Plan

30 Days Of Emotional Health

God doesn't want us feeling perpetually stressed or defeated, nor does He want us enslaved to hurts from our past. This 30-day reading plan will help you draw closer to Him each day and anchor yourself in the life-giving truths He preserved for us in Scripture. Edited by Karen Greer and LaShawn Montoya.
